PS2 Cheats

Looking for PS2 game cheats? Here we have the A-Z of PlayStation 2 game cheats and tips.

  • Zathura Cheats

    Defeating the big robot:
    When facing the first Boss (the big robot), go over to the side but do not fall off. Shoot his arms and lasers as quickly as possible on each side. You can save time and health. If you get hit by lasers, do not worry because you will only lose a small amount of health.

  • Xiaolin Showdown Cheats

    Get Chase:
    Defeat Mala Mala Jong in the final level of Adventure Mode.

    Get Monk Costume:
    Acquire Warrior Monk Rank.

    Get Robot Costume:

    Acquire “Martial Artist” Rank.

    Get Jack Spicer:
    Beat him on the level entitled “Jack Attack”.

    Get Chase Young:
    Finish the game.

  • WWF Smackdown! Just Bring It Cheats

    Unlock Andre the Giant:
    During the Royal Rumble match, press R3 and L3 followed by XXX, OOO, square times three and trianlge times three. A sound should be heard and whamo, you have the big man.

    Unlock Fred Durst:
    Beat over 15 opponents in one game in the Slobberknocker mode with the Undertaker.

    Unlock Stephanie McMahon:
    To unlock the Billion Dollar Princess, open all the secret cards and win the title match.

    Unlock Spike Dudley:
    You will unlock Spike Dudley when you meet him in the story mode, when searching for a partner in your six-man tag match. He will be in one of the changing rooms, and will be unlocked if you help him out against the Dudley Boys.

    Jerry Lynn:
    Choose anyone who does not hold a title. Say that you do not want to form tag team to Vince. Talk trash on mic. Say that you were just messing. Let time run out in roaming. Win the battle royal. Let time run out in roaming. Win the battle royal. Show up on stage. Win the match and the match that follows. Jerry Lynn will now be unlocked.

    Unlock Tajiri:
    You will unlock Tajiri when you meet him in the story mode, and defeat him.

    Unlock Rhyno:
    You will unlock Rhyno when you meet him in the story mode. To do this, on Smackdown stay backstage when a wrestler calls you out, and after speaking to Michael Cole, talk to Earl Hebner in the lobby. Say you are going after the Hardcore title, and when beat Rhyno.

    Unlock Mick Foley and Shane:
    With Stone Cold Steve Austin as the champion, in story mode play as the Rock and win both the single matches until Wrestlemania, and then lose to Austin in the Last Man Standing match. Foley will then come out and book a Hell in a Cell rematch, which you must then win.

    New SmackDown! arena:
    Eliminate 17 Superstars in the Slobber Knocker mode with The Rock.

    Unlock Special Matches:
    To unlock the Special Matches marked as ?????, in story mode on Smackdown accept the challenge of whoever propositions you, and chose whichever match it is you want to unlock, out of Last Man Standing, Street Fight and Ultimate Submission.

    Max Stats for Create a Wrestler:
    Go to the Ability section of the Create A Wrestler menu. Make sure all of the Ability sections are at zero. Then go to Auto Setting and go to a setting (Average works best). DO NOT press X. Instead press the triangle button. The Auto Setting Stats will be there but all of your ability points will be available. You can then use them to max out every ability.

    WWF Womens Title:
    Make the same choices as in the WWF Title with a woman and you will win the WWF Women’s Title.

    WWF Hardcore title:
    Choose anyone that does not hold a title. Answer that you do not want to form a Tag Team to Vince. Run down and attack (KO them to win). Lose the next match. Stay backstage, then go to Earl Hebner. He will be near the vending machines in the lobby. Tell him you are going after the Hardcore title. Defeat the Hardcore champion to get the title.

    Break two tables:
    Set two tables ringside next to each other. They must be touching the ring. Do a Super Power Bomb through the ropes and through the two tables. Note: This does not always work.

    Break announcer table:
    Position your victim towards the announcer table, then perform the Super Power Bomb #1. The victim will be thrown into the air and the table should collapse. This move can also be used for a stacked table outside of the ring, when a person is Super Power Bombed to the floor from the mat.

    Preview locked moves:
    Go to create-a-superstar, then select “Moves”. Choose any superstar and pick any of the moves (particularly specials). Scroll down to a “????????” labeled move. Press (Square) (preview) and he or she will do the move. This does Not work with locked videos, locked entrance moves, or locked music.

    Do any move on a table:
    Choose a TLC match and set up the tables right next to each other. Get your wrestler and your opponent on the table and do any move or your special.

    Steal opponent’s SmackDown! move:
    You must have two SmackDown! icons. Get into the position of your opponent’s SmackDown! Move, then press [L2] [L1]. You will do their SmackDown! move. Note: When you do your usual SmackDown move, the word SmackDown appears in blue. However, when you steal your opponent’s SmackDown!, the word will be in red.

    Sit on chair:
    Press the D-Pad towards the chair and press [R1].

    Run on cars:
    You can run on top of the parked cars in the parking lot.

    Hurt opponent while in vehicle:
    You can hurt your opponent when you are in a vehicle. Press [R1] next to the door of the jeep or forklift. Drive up to them and press (Square). Note: This will not do too much damage.

    Drive faster:
    Press [Triangle] while in the jeep or forklift to go faster in that direction.

    Break a streetlight pole:
    In a match where it can spill into other areas backstage, go outside the doors to the outside of the building where the benches, fountains, and trash cans are located. There will be a few streetlights there. Throw your opponent into one and it will bend and break, but no major damage is done.

    Break A.P.A. door:
    When in the A.P.A. office, run into or Irish Whip your opponent into the A.P.A. door in the middle of the room. It should break.

    Break the boilers:
    Choose a Falls Count Anywhere match in the Boiler Room. There are three boilers in there. Run into to one of them. The boiler will break and have a hole in it.

    Break the glass window:
    In the Lobby, go to the left balcony and whip your opponent into the glass window. If done correctly, your opponent with break the glass. To go further with this trick, you can Super Power Bomb onto the ground floor. After that, repeatedly press (X) and you will do an aerial move. Note: This is quite difficult.

    Choose your specials:
    Select the Superstar that you want to be and press [L1]. You will have two different choices as your specials.

    Easy front special:
    Press (Down/Left) or (Down/Right) to do a Toe Kick, which will make your opponent hold his stomach. This will allow your wrestler to do his front special [L1]. Note: Only male wrestlers can do a Toe Kick.

    Turning to an opponent easier:
    To turn to a wrestler near you even quicker, rather than continuously pressing [R2], hold [R2]. This will automatically have you turn to the wrestler closest to you, or the wrestler performing a move on you. This is especially useful during an 8-Man Survival Match.

    Unknown Wrestlers movelist:
    1 NCDP – Diamond Dallas Page
    2 NCBT – Booker T
    3 EMA – Mike Awesome
    4 ERV – Rob Van Dam
    5 ELS – Lance Storm
    6 NCSO – Sean O’Haire
    7 NCBK – Billy Kidman
    8 NCHH – Hurricane Helms
    9 WGM – Grandmaster Sexay
    10 WS2 – Scotty 2 Hottie
    11 WXP – X-Pac
    12 EJC – Justin Credible
    13 WAS – Al Snow
    14 WVV – Val Venis
    15 WGF – Godfather/Goodfather
    16 WTM – Taka
    17 WFU – Funaki
    18 WDB – D’Lo Brown
    19 WKK – K-Kwick
    20 WER – Essa Rios
    21 WBM – Big Bossman
    22 WGG – Gangrel
    23 ZAG – Andre The Giant
    24 WSM – Shawn Michaels
    25 ZSS – Sgt. Slaughter
    26 ZBB – Bob Backlund
    27 WRD – Road Dogg
    28 CRF – Ric Flair
    29 CKN – Kevin Nash
    30 CSH – Scott Hall
    31 CBG – Goldberg
    32 CST – Sting
    33 CHH – Hulk Hogan
    34 CJJ – Jeff Jarrett
    35 CSS – Scott Steiner
    36 JIDA
    37 JIDB
    38 MEX – A Generic Luchadore
    39 NJMC – Masahiro Chono
    40 ZOSH – Shinya Hashimoto
    41 NJKS – Kensuke Sasaki
    42 NJHT – Hiroyoshi Tenzan
    43 NJKM – Keiji Mutoh
    44 NJMN – Manabu Nakanishi
    45 NJYN – Yuji Nagata
    46 NJJL – Jyushin Thunder Lyger
    47 MGS – Great Susake
    48 NJKK – Kendo Ka Shin
    49 NOVD – Vader
    50 NOMM – Mitsuharu Misawa
    51 NOKK – Kenta Kobashi
    52 NOJA – Jun Akimaya
    53 AJTK – Toshiaki Kawada
    54 AJGT – Genichiro Tenryu
    55 JAO – Atsushi Onita
    57 PNO – Naoya Ogawa
    58 PAT – Akira Taue
    59 PGP – Giant Shohei Baba????
    60 LKS – Ken Shamrock
    61 DLTF – Terry Funk
    62 CHKF – Generic Kung Fu

    Unlockable Arenas:
    Insurrection Arena – To unlock the Insurrection Arena win the European Belt.
    New SmackDown! Arena – Beat 17 people in Slobberknocker with The Rock.
    WWF Wrestlemania X-7 Arena – Choose any male non-title holder and enter Story Mode. Do not form a tag team. Talk trash. Say that you want to kick the guy’s butt. Find Vince in the Parking Lot. Win your match. Show up on the stage. Win your match. Win the WWF Title at Wrestlemania.

    Win the match the easy way:
    During an out count match.(when ur not allowed out of the ring for more than 10 seconds). Get out of the ring and walk up the ramp until the 5th count. make sure that the opposing wrestler is following you. At the count of 5 the other wrestler should be making it back to the ring. Then press triangle and do a running move on them. Whilst there on the ground make a run for the ring.And you should win by a ring out.

    WWF Womens Title:
    Make the same choices as in the WWF Title with a woman and you will win the WWF Women’s Title.

    WWF Hardcore title:
    Choose anyone that does not hold a title. Answer that you do not want to form a Tag Team to Vince. Run down and attack (KO them to win). Lose the next match. Stay backstage, then go to Earl Hebner. He will be near the vending machines in the lobby. Tell him you are going after the Hardcore title. Defeat the Hardcore champion to get the title.

    Break two tables:
    Set two tables ringside next to each other. They must be touching the ring. Do a Super Power Bomb through the ropes and through the two tables. Note: This does not always work.

    Break announcer table:
    Position your victim towards the announcer table, then perform the Super Power Bomb #1. The victim will be thrown into the air and the table should collapse. This move can also be used for a stacked table outside of the ring, when a person is Super Power Bombed to the floor from the mat.

    Preview locked moves:
    Go to create-a-superstar, then select “Moves”. Choose any superstar and pick any of the moves (particularly specials). Scroll down to a “????????” labeled move. Press (Square) (preview) and he or she will do the move. This does Not work with locked videos, locked entrance moves, or locked music.

    Do any move on a table:
    Choose a TLC match and set up the tables right next to each other. Get your wrestler and your opponent on the table and do any move or your special.

    Steal opponent’s SmackDown! move:
    You must have two SmackDown! icons. Get into the position of your opponent’s SmackDown! Move, then press [L2] [L1]. You will do their SmackDown! move. Note: When you do your usual SmackDown move, the word SmackDown appears in blue. However, when you steal your opponent’s SmackDown!, the word will be in red.
    Sit on chair

    Press the D-Pad towards the chair and press [R1]

    Run on cars:
    You can run on top of the parked cars in the parking lot.

    Hurt opponent while in vehicle:
    You can hurt your opponent when you are in a vehicle. Press [R1] next to the door of the jeep or forklift. Drive up to them and press (Square). Note: This will not do too much damage.

    Break A.P.A. door:
    When in the A.P.A. office, run into or Irish Whip your opponent into the A.P.A. door in the middle of the room. It should break.

    Break the boilers:
    Choose a Falls Count Anywhere match in the Boiler Room. There are three boilers in there. Run into to one of them. The boiler will break and have a hole in it.

    Break the glass window:
    In the Lobby, go to the left balcony and whip your opponent into the glass window. If done correctly, your opponent with break the glass. To go further with this trick, you can Super Power Bomb onto the ground floor. After that, repeatedly press (X) and you will do an aerial move. Note: This is quite difficult.

    Choose your specials:
    Select the Superstar that you want to be and press [L1]. You will have two different choices as your specials.

    Easy front special:
    Press [Down/Left] or [Down/Right] to do a Toe Kick, which will make your opponent hold his stomach. This will allow your wrestler to do his front special [L1]. Note: Only male wrestlers can do a Toe Kick.

    Easy special:
    Go outside the ring, run into the crowd, and continuously press [L2]. Your opponent will never go into the crowd after you. Note: This requires some time, so be patient.

    If you are in any match where you will not be counted out if you go out of the ring, crawl over the rail where all the fans are located. Press [L2] to do your taunt and the CPU wrestler you are fighting will not be able to get to you. They will walk up and down the walkway and cannot touch you.

    Turning to an opponent easier:
    To turn to a wrestler near you even quicker, rather than continuously pressing [R2], hold [R2]. This will automatically have you turn to the wrestler closest to you, or the wrestler performing a move on you. This is especially useful during an 8-Man Survival Match.

    Max ability:
    On create a superstar go on ability and go to the bottom link and press X, Triangle, X, X and you should have 200 more ability points to put on your superstar and put everything on 4 ability levels (the highest)

    Max Ability Points:
    Go to the Create a Superstar screen and choose who you ever you want or make someone. Go to Ability and go down to Average and press X, Triangle, X, X. This should average your points out and give you an additional 200 points so you can fill up the rest.

  • WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009 Cheats

    Get Characters:
    Get Boogeyman – Input BoogeymanEatsWorms!!
    Get Chris Jericho – Input AltJerichoModelSvR09
    Get Gene Snitsky – Input UnlockSnitskySvR2009
    Get Hawkins

  • Without Warning Cheats

    Cheat mode:
    Press Square, Triangle, Circle, L1, Left, Up, Right, R1 at the main menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Pause game play to access options for an FMV viewer, level selection, and level skip.

  • Winning Eleven: Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 Cheats

    Acquire Past Players:
    Acquire or win the following cups or leagues: African Cup American Cup Asia Cup Division 1 League England League European Cup European League France League Italy League Oceania Cup Spanish League and The Netherlands League.

    Get All-Star Teams:
    Prevail in the World Cup: Argentina Brazil England France Germany Italy and The Netherlands.

  • Wild Arms Alter Code: F Cheats

    Bonus Boss Battle:
    After completing the Gate Generator and having Rudy rejoin the party, go to Saint Centaur and talk to the blind girl in the building under the Lone Paula Statue. The blind girl will tell you about a swordsman who had been frequently visiting her during the past few days. After this, leave the city and a message will notify you of a strange laughter. When it says “Do you wish to Continue?”, choose yes. After a little cutscene, you’ll be in a bonus boss fight againts “Monster Zed”.

    Near the end of game, return to the Adlehyde sewers and bomb the floor in one of the new rooms.

    Near the end of game, go to Baskar and talk to the guard by a pedestal. Proceed to the pedestal then head to Surf village. Then go to Jane’s house.

    Defeat Monster Zed and bring him a Defense Unit from Malduke after halfway through that dungeon.

    Leviathan (Water Golem):
    Repair the Sweet Candy and sail in the water at the center of Filgaia.

    Boomerang Flash:
    After defeating Boomerang in Ka Dingel, go to Devil’s Playground and complete all 3 difficulties.

    Barbados (Earth Golem):
    After getting the Airship, fly northeast to a stretched land of desert. Land in the back area then ride on Asgard to cross over to the other side.

  • Winnie the Pooh’s Rumbly Tumbly Adventure Cheats

    Secondary mini-game:
    Complete Tigger’s and Eeyore’s birthday adventures in Adventure mode.

    The Scare-Off! mini-game:
    Complete all five birthday adventures in Adventure mode.

    Follow the Line! mini-game:
    Complete Piglet’s and Roo’s birthday adventures in Adventure mode.

  • Wild Arms 4 Cheats

    Unlock Get Additional Starting Levels:
    Insert a memory card with Wild ARMs Alter Code: F on it. Depending on how far you’ve gotten with it, you’ll get one addtional starting level for every sheriff star found in Alter Code: F.

    Unlock Gella Bonus:
    Insert a memory card with Wild ARMs Alter Code: F on it. You’ll get a Gella Bonus for every enemy you beat in Alter Code: F.

    Unlock Badge Bonus:
    Insert a memory card with Wild ARMs Alter Code: F on it. If you beat it with all six members, you get the Convert badge. This will boosts Jude’s stats.

    Unlock Black Box Exp Bonus:
    Insert a memory card with Wild ARMs Alter Code: F on it. Depending on what level you’re characters are on Alter Code: F, you’ll get nice EXP bonus after beating Black Box.

    Unlock Character Encyclopedia:
    You must pick-up EX File Keys 7, 8

  • Warriors Orochi 2 Cheats

    4th Weapons:
    Complete any stage in Chaos Mode, or get three stars or more in Hard Mode.

    Get Wallpaper Edit:
    Play as all of the characters available in the game, completing at least one stage with each character.

    Get Dramatic Mode Stages:
    Get Stage 1 – Get 3 characters at 50 Proficiency.
    Get Stage 2 – Get 3 characters at 50 Proficiency.
    Get Stage 3 – Finish 45 Story or Dramatic Mode Stages.
    Get Stage 7 – Get the 3 characters involved in the stage.
    Get Stage 8 – Acquire all treasures.
    Get Stage 9 – Finish Wei Stage 7.
    Get Stage 10 – Initially selectable.
    Get Stage 11 – Get the 3 characters involved in the stage.
    Get Stage 12 – Get the three characters involved in the stage.
    Get Stage 14 – Acquire the three characters involved in the stage.
    Get Stage 15 – Finish Wei’s Story Mode, then get the three characters involved.
    Get Stage 16 – Get three characters at Level 99.
    Get Stage 18 – Get three characters at Level 99.
    Get Stage 19 – Initially selectable.
    Get Stage 20 – Get everyone to Level 20.
    Get Stage 21 – Get the three characters involved in the stage.
    Get Stage 22 – Get the 3 characters involved in the stage.
    Get Stage 23 – Initially selectable.
    Get Stage 24 – Total of all character levels equals 910 or more.
    Get Stage 25 – Finish 30 stages in story mode.
    Get Stage 26 – Total of all character levels equals 3,640 or more.
    Get Stage 27 – Total of all character proficiency levels equals 2,730 or more.
    Get Stage 28 – Finish Orochi final chapter.
    Get Characters (Shu):
    Get Shin Orochi – Finish Dramatic Mode.
    Get Jiang Wei – Finish Wei Chapter 3 (Battle of Shizugatake).
    Get Ma Chao – Finish Wu Chapter 6 (Battle of Yang Ping Gate).
    Get Pang Tong – Finish Wei Chapter 5 (Battle of Komaki-Nagakute).
    Get Wei Yan – Finish Shu Chapter 2 (Battle of Saika).
    Get Yue Ying – Finish Shu Chapter 6 (Battle of Odani Castle).
    Get Zhao Yun – Finish Shu Chapter 2 (Battle of Saika).
    Get Zhuge Liang – Finish either Shu Chapter 6 (Battle of Odani Castle) or Orochi Chapter 2 (Battle of Cheng Du).

    Get Characters (Samurai 2):
    Get Azai Nagamasa – Finish Wei Chapter 6 (Battle of Yamatai).
    Get Ishida Mitsunari – Finish Wei Chapter 7 (Battle of Tong Gate).
    Get Nouhime – Finish Samurai Chapter 6 (Battle of Hu Lao Gate).
    Get Toyotomi Hideyoshi – Finish Samurai Chapter 6 (Battle of Hu Lao Gate).

    Get Characters:
    Get Akechi Mitsuhide – Finish Shu Chapter 4 (Battle of Mt. Wu Xing).
    Get Date Masamune – Finish Orochi Chapter 5 (Battle of Edo Castle).
    Get Ishikawa Goemon – Finish Wu Chapter 2 (Battle of Kanegasaki).
    Get Maeda Keiji – Finish Orochi Chapter 1 (Battle of Odawara Castle).
    Get Oda Nobunaga – Finish either Wei Chapter 7 (Battle of Tong Gate) or Samurai Chapter 6 (Battle of Hu Lao Gate).
    Get Oichi – Finish Wei Chapter 6 (Battle of Yamatai).
    Get Saika Magoichi – Finish Wei Chapter 4 (Battle of Ji Castle).
    Get Sanada Yukimura – Finish Samurai Chapter 2 (Battle of Ji Province).
    Get Takeda Shingen – Finish Samurai Chapter 2 (Battle of Ji Province).
    Get Uesugi Kenshin – Finish Samurai Chapter 3 (Battle of Hasedo).

    Get Characters (Wei):
    Get Cao Pi – Finish Wei Chapter 5 (Battle of Komaki-Nagakute).
    Get Cao Ren – Finish Wei Chapter 5 (Battle of Komaki-Nagakute).
    Get Pang De – Finish Wu Chapter 5 (Battle of Okehazama).
    Get Sima Yi – Finish Samurai Chapter 4 (Battle of Chang Ban).
    Get Xiahou Dun – Finish Wei Chapter 2 (Battle of Si Shui Gate).
    Get Xiahou Yuan – Finish Wei Chapter 2 (Battle of Si Shui Gate).
    Get Xu Zhu – Finish Wu Chapter 5 (Battle of Okehazama).
    Get Zhang Liao – Finish Shu Chapter 5 (Battle of Jia Meng Gate).
    Get Zhen Ji – Finish Wei Chapter 5 (Battle of Komaki-Nagakute).

    Different Costumes:
    Ascend any character to level 10.

    Get Characters – Samurai 3:
    Get Fuma Kotaro – Finish Orochi Chapter 1 (Battle of Odawara Castle).
    Get Gracia – Finish Wei Chapter 4 (Battle of Mt. Wu Xing).
    Get Maeda Toshiie – Finish Wei Chapter 4 (Battle of Ji Castle).
    Get Naoe Kanetsugu – Finish Samurai Chapter 3 (Battle of Hasedo).
    Get Nene – Finish Shu Chapter 4 (Battle of Mt. Wu Xing).
    Get Sasaki Kojiro – Finish Samurai Chapter 2 (Battle of Ji Province).
    Get Shibata Katsuie – Finish Wei Chapter 7 (Battle of Tong Gate).

    Get Characters – General 2:
    Get Dodomekki – Acquire 5 ingredients.
    Get Fu Xi – Finish Samurai Chapter 3.
    Get Gyuki – Acquire 25 ingredients.
    Get Himiko – Finish Wei Chapter 8.
    Get Minamoto no Yoshisune – Finish Wu Chapter 1.
    Get Shin Orochi – Finish Dramatic Mode.
    Get Sun Wukong – Finish Wei Chapter 8.
    Get Taigong Wang – Finish Shu Chapter 1.
    Get Taira no Kiyomori – Finish Samurai Chapter 8.

  • Ultraman Nexus Cheats

    Unlock pictures in Secret File Mode:
    Play Night Rider Mission Mode several times until you unlock all 45 pictures

    Secret File Mode and Night Rider Mission Mode:
    Keep playing the 3 Night Raider Training missions until all your stats reach the maximum level (try to get 100% several times in each mission)

    Dark Faust – Beat him in Nexus mode
    Dark Mephisto – Beat him in Nexus mode
    Dark Mephisto Zwei – Beat Survival mode with Dark Mephisto
    Dark Zagi – Beat Survival mode with Ultraman Noa
    Garuberos – Beat him in Nexus mode
    Golgolem – Beat him in Nexus mode
    Grantella – Beat him in Nexus mode
    Nosferu – Beat him in Nexus mode
    The One – Beat Survival mode with Ultraman The Next
    Ultraman Anfans – Beat Survival mode with 10 characters
    Ultraman Jeunes Blue – Beat Nexus mode letting the 2dn
    Ultraman Noa – Beat Survival mode with 5 characters
    Ultraman The Next – Beat Survival mode with Ultraman Jeunes
    Deunamist – lose against Dark Mephisto Zwei and finishing this mode with the 3rd Deunamist

  • Torino 2006 Cheats

    Downhill ski:
    Stay between the two gray lines, for no gate faults easily.

    Extreme difficulty setting:
    Obtain the first place record in all fifteen events to unlock the extreme difficulty setting.

    Unlock snowboarding level:
    Turn on game and select an event, when asked what mode (easy,medium or hard)

    Enter: T-X-R1-R3-C-L1-L2-C-X-T-C-T-C-X-R1-R2-R3-R2-X-T-C-S-S-S-S-T-C-T-X-T-C-LEFT-UP-RIGHT-DOWN-T-T-C-C-R2-R2-R3-L4-DOWN-UP-LEFT-T-X-C

    A messege will apear in very small writing in the top hand corner – ajust your TV settings and add more contrast to read the messege, scroll down to enter snowboarding level

    – Select country and board
    – welcome to the unlocked snowboarding level!

  • Tony Hawk’s Underground 2 Cheats

    Get New Characters:
    Input costars at the cheat menu.

    Get Phil Margera:
    Input aprilsman at the cheats menu.

  • Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter Cheats

    Get All Missions:
    At the title screen input X L2 TRIANGLE R2 SELECT.
    Get Warfighter Difficulty:
    Complete the entire game.

  • TNA iMPACT! Cheats

    Get More Characters:
    Get Black Machismo – Beat him in a match during Story Mode.
    Get Brother Ray – Beat Team 3d in a match during Story Mode
    Get Eric Young – Prevail in a tag team match during Story Mode with him as your partner.
    Get Jay Lethal – Beat him in the TNA tryout during Story Mode.

    Acquire Arenas:
    Get Armory – Beat James Storm on Story Mode.
    Get England – Get 420,000 Style Points.
    Get Freedom Center – Beat Jobber Savage E in an Ultimate X Match on Story Mode.
    Get Japan – Beat the Motor City Machine Guns on Story Mode.
    Get Mexico – Prevail in the Mexican Gauntlet Match on Story Mode.
    Get Vegas – Beat Kurt Angle on Story Mode.

    Get Moves (Exhibition Mode or Season Mode):
    Get 120,000 – Wheelbarrow Neckbreaker
    Get 130,000 – Full Nelson Suplex
    Get 140,000 – Basement Dropkick
    Get 156,000 – Crotch Punch
    Get 184,000 – Twisting Crossbody
    Get 192,000 – Tornado DDT
    Get 200,000 – The Book End
    Get 208,000 – Eye Rake
    Get 216,000 – Neckbreaker
    Get 232,000 – Tailbreaker
    Get 240,000 – The Cradle Shock
    Get 240,000 – Jawbreaker
    Get 252,000 – Leg Sweep
    Get 268,000 – German Suplex
    Get 280,000 – Dragon Suplex
    Get 290,000 – The Border Toss
    Get 312,000 – Atomic Drop
    Get 320,000 – The Gore
    Get 332,000 – Hurricanrana
    Get 340,000 – Running Neckbreaker
    Get 360,000 – The Gringo Killer
    Get 376,000 – Mexican Head Scissors
    Get 388,000 – Cutter
    Get 400,000 – Hangman’s Neckbreaker
    Get 615,600 – Sonjay Cutter
    Get 648,000 – The Steiner Recliner
    Get 680,400 – The Styles Clash
    Get 712,800 – The Stroke
    Get 745,200 – The Unprettier
    Get 750,000 – Afro Thunder
    Get 777,600 – The Black Hole Slam
    Get 940,000 – Canadian Destroyer

  • Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09 Cheats

    Input BEATIT – Get all PGA Tour events.
    Input HEADLINER – Get all Cover Stories.
    Input IAMRUBBISH – Get all clothing, gear and more.
    Input JACKPOT – Acquire $1,000,000 automatically.
    Input SHOP2DROP – Get all clothing and gear.

  • The Simpsons Game Cheats

    Get All Cliches:
    Input Left Square Right Circle Right L1

  • The Dukes of Hazzard: Return of the General Lee Cheats

    Game Modes:
    Finish “Painting it Orange” mission – Get Demolition Derby Mode.
    Finish “Volatile Situation” mission – Get Head to Head Mode.
    Finish “Stock Car Race” mission – Get Hot Pursuit Mode.
    Finish the dirt track race with a time less then 14 seconds to unlock the T.V stars interview.

    Get Interview Movie:
    Finish all the Lightning Time Races.

  • Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Cheats

    Input AAYLA – Get? Aayla Secura
    Input BENKENOBI – Get Obi-Wan Kenobi
    Input CHOSENONE – Get Anakin Skywalker
    Input CORTOSIS – Invincible
    Input COUNTDOOKU – Maximize all combos
    Input DANTOOINE – Get a Jedi Knight
    Input DREXLROOSH – Get Drexl Roosh
    Input GRANDMOFF – Get all costumes
    Input HIDDENFEAR – Get Darth Phobos
    Input HOLOCRON – Get a Sith Lord
    Input HOLOGRAM – Get Proxy
    Input JEDIMASTER – Get Mace Windu
    Input KATARN – Maximize all Force Powers
    Input KORRIBAN – Get Sith Stalker
    Input LIGHTSABER – Power up your lightsaber
    Input MANDALORE – Get General Rahm Kota
    Input MARAJADE – Get Mara Jade
    Input MARISBROOD – Get Maris Brood
    Input NERFHERDER – Get Han Solo
    Input PALPATINE – Get Emperor Palpatine
    Input PAUAN – Get Darth Desolous
    Input SPEEDER – Get a million Force Points
    Input STORMTROOP – Get a Stormtrooper
    Input T16WOMPRAT – Get Luke Skywalker
    Input TOGRUTA – Get Shaak Ti
    Input TYRANUS – Get all Force Powers
    Input VERGENCE – Unlimited Force Power
    Input WOOKIE – Get Kento
    Input YELLOWJCKT – Get Yavin Luke

  • SSX On Tour Cheats

    Snowball Battle:
    At the “Extras” Menu, choose Cheats; next, input LETSPARTY and push R to make a snowball.

    Get All Characters:
    Input the code “roadieroundup” on the cheats menu.

    Get Nigel:
    Go to the cheat menu and input THREEISACROWD

    Get More Characters:

    Input POWERPLAY – Get Stat Boost.
    Input MOREFUNTHANONE – Get Mitch Koobski.
    Input FOURSOME – Get Ski Patrol Character BIGPARTYTIME – Get Conrad (The MiniViking).

  • SpongeBob SquarePants Featuring Nicktoons: Globs of Doom Cheats

    Get Coin Gravity – Input Tralok / Plankton / Danny / Plankton / Tak
    Get More Gadget Combo Time – Input Spongebob / Beautiful Gorgeous / Danny / Plankton / Technus
    Get Normal Goo Movement – Input Danny / Danny / Danny / Technus / Technus
    Get Retain Coins – Input Plankton / Jimmy / Beautiful Gorgeous / Jimmy / Plankton

  • Speed Racer: The Videogame Cheats


    Aggressive Foes – Up Left Down Right Up Left Down
    Excellent Handling – Triangle Up Square Circle L2 Up Circle
    Get Helium – Square Up Square R2 Square Up Square
    Get Micro Cars – Square Up Square Circle Up Square Circle
    Get Monster Truck Mode – Triangle Up Square R2 Triangle Up Square
    Lunar Gravity – Up Circle Up Right Square Up Square
    No Damage – X Triangle X Up Left Down Right
    Small Foes – Triangle X Left Down Square Up Square
    Total Car-Fu Damage – X Square Circle Down Up Circle
    Upsize Cars – L2 Square Circle Left Up Square Circle

  • Simpsons Game, The Cheats

    Get All Cliches:
    Input Left Square Right Circle Right L1

  • Sega Rally 2006 Cheats

    Championship Expert mode in Sega Rally 1995 bonus disc:
    After selecting Championship, while still at the car select screen. Note that this is only for the included Sega Rally 1995 bonus disc, and not Sega Rally 2006 itself. Enter: Press Shift-Up 4 times (R2 on Dual Shock, paddles/stick on Logitech wheel), then select car.

  • Silent Hill 3 Cheats

    Get 8 Mode:
    Complete the game on Extreme 7 Mode.

    Get Beam Saber:
    Beat more foes using melee weapons than gun weapons the first time you play.

  • Sega Ages: Dynamite Deka Cheats

    Cheat Mode:

  • Samurai Warriors 2 Cheats

    Azai Nagamasa:
    Beat Musou Mode with Oichi

    Date Masamune:
    Beat Musou Mode with Saika Magoichi

    Hattori Hanzou:
    Beat Musou Mode with Fuuma Kotarou, or Have Sengoku Musou 1 save on memory card before starting the game

    Honda Tadakatsu:
    Beat Musou Mode with Tokugawa Ieyasu, or Have Sengoku Musou 1 Moushouden save on memory card before starting the game

    Beat Musou Mode with Honda Tadakatsu

    Maeda Keiji:
    Beat Musou Mode with Ishida Mitsunari

    Miyamoto Musashi:
    Unlock all other characters, not including Okuni and Ranmaru.
    Mori Ranmaru Unlock him in Mugenjyou Mode

    Naoe Kanetsugu:
    Beat Musou Mode with Sanada Yukimura

    Beat Musou Mode with Toyotomi Hideyoshi

    Beat Musou Mode with Oda Nobunaga

    Oda Nobunaga:
    Musou Mode with Saika Magoichi

    Clear Sugoroku Mode

    Saika Magoichi:
    Beat Musou Mode with Akechi Mitsuhide

    Shima Sakon:
    Beat Musou Mode with Ishida Mitsunari

    Shimazu Yoshihiro:
    Beat Musou Mode with Tachibana Ginchiyo

    Takeda Shingen:
    Beat Musou Mode with Uesugi Kenshin

    Toyotomi Hideyoshi:
    Beat Musou Mode with Ishida Mitsunari

    Unlockable: Hell Difficulty
    You must defeat Musou Mode with Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Tokugawa Ieyasu.

    Unlockable: Hell Difficulty
    You must defeat Musou Mode with Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Tokugawa Ieyasu.

    K.O Badge (1000):
    Beat 1000 enemies in a single battle which you must also win.

    Extra Model:
    Get to level 11 with any unique character and they will acquire an extra model to use.

    4th Weapons:
    Obtain the weapon that your character uses to level 4; next, finish a battle with 500 K.O.s.

    Get all image galleries and scenes:
    Get all the fourth weapons for each type of weapon; next, get 1,000 KOs medals for all characters.

    Battle of Sekigahara scenario (1600):
    Finish the 1582 Honnouji scenario.

    The Honnouji Incident scenario (1582):
    Finish the Clear the 1560 Kawanakajima scenario.

    Battle of Anegawa scenario (1570):
    Finish complete any regional scenario.

  • Samurai Shodown V Cheats

    Play as Galford’s dog Poppy:
    At the character select screen: Hold Start and choose Galford

  • Samurai Champloo: Sidetracked Cheats

    Unlock weapons:
    By getting 100 kills in tate mode, you can make the following weapons available for purchase.

    New Weapon for Mugen – 1st time
    Firebird for Jin – 2nd time
    New weapon for Worso – 3rd time
    New weapon for Mugen – 4th time
    New artwork – Fail to reach 100 kills in tate mode

  • Sakurasaka Shouboutai Cheats

    Unlocking characters for Free/Combination/Survival Mode:
    You have to do the following in story mode:

    Asakura Saya – Find all the evidence.
    Doi Junpei – Finish 1st stage in story mode.
    Nakatugawa Kazuya – Examine all evidence.
    Ogata Shunsaku – Finish 5th stage in story mode.
    Sima Ryuji – Finish 2nd stage in story mode.
    Honjo Yuichiro – Collect all the letters from all the people you can save.

  • Sakura Taisen V Episode 0: Arano no Samurai Musume Cheats

    Unlock Sakura Shinguji on horseback:
    Have a completed saved game from Sakura Taisen: Atsuki Chishio Ni on your memory card.

    Unlock Erika’s Kobu F2:
    Have a completed saved game from Sakura Taisen Monogatari on your memory card.

    Unlock Ogami’s Kobu:
    Successfully complete the game as Shinguji Sakura.

  • Sakura Taisen 5: Saraba Itoshiki Hito Yo Cheats

    Keitai Club passwords:
    When playing The Free And Easy Day in New York bonus level, go to Romando. Speak to Kayama-kun then enter the following Keitai Club passwords:

    Gemini’s Battle Uniform Bromide: 518389656658
    Ratchet’s Special Bromide: 398210448078
    Taiga’s Star Bromide: 322934212158
    Taiga’s Battle Uniform Bromide: 364684015878
    Gemini’s “Boku no Yume” theme as a C

  • Sakura Taisen 3 Cheats

    Cheat Mode:
    From the main menu, select “One Fine Day in Paris,” then the middle option. In the following menu, the top option will prompt for a password input, whereas the middle option will allow you to select from the special events you have unlocked.

    Password – Result:
    10251879 – Betting Becomes Glamorous
    31491110 – Christmas Calendar
    19141010 – Coquelicot’s Alarm Clock
    55050500 – Enemy’s Alarm Clock
    81515645 – Erica’s Alarm Clock
    41816146 – Glycine’s Alarm Clock
    15846522 – Hanabi’s Alarm Clock
    34514820 – Happy New Year
    02081005 – Les Chattes Noires Big Adventure!
    05111320 – Lobelia’s Alarm Clock
    19061909 – Mell

  • Rugby 2006 Cheats

    Unlock British Isles Team:
    Score 10 tries in a match

    Unlock Old Colour Vision:
    Complete Classic Match 1

    Unlock Old Vision:
    Complete Classic Match 2

    Unlock Sorted Career Kit:
    Beat England as Scotland

    Unlock Girly Gang Career Kit:
    Beat New Zealand as Australia

    Unlock Clowning Around Career Kit:
    Beat USA as Canada

    Unlock Tiger Bay Stadium:
    Hit the post in each half from a place kick

    Unlock Dimension Ball:
    Score 5 tries with one player in a game

    Unlock Revolution Ball:
    Big hit the referee 5 times in a match

    Unlock Barbarian Ball:
    Win a match via a penalty shootout

    Unlock Vapour Ball:
    With a player who first gained possession in his own half score a try

    When a player is in possession of the ball, he may attempt to push an opposing defender away with his arm. Press [Black] to Block. Good timing is needed to successfully complete this move.

    Outflanking Guidelines:
    If you have the ball, you may avoid tacklers while running by alternating rapidly between the left and the right trigger.

  • Romancing SaGa Cheats

    Bonus Ending:
    You must finish all the 8 character’s story.

  • Rogue Trooper Cheats

    Unlock Extreme ragdoll:
    Beat the game once

    Unlock Low gravity ragdoll:
    Beat the game once

    Unlock Hippy Blood:
    Beat the game once

    Unlock Level Select:
    Clear one level and you can select it from the cheat menu

    Unlock Massacre Difficulty:
    Beat the game once on any difficulty

    Hint – Free Standard Clip:
    Tget a free standard ammo clip when you run out, instead of purchasing another clip lay your sentry gun down and pick it up, you will have a fresh ammo clip so you can go kill some more Norts. Happy hunting!!

    Hint – Faster Sniper Fire Rate:
    Zoom in and fire as normal — if you miss or the target needs another hole in them, quickly exit scope view and re-enter it and there will be another round already loaded into the chamber instead of having to wait.

  • Rock Band 2: Special Edition Cheats

    Get Increased Detection – Input Yellow Blue Orange Yellow Blue Orange Yellow Blue Orange
    Get Stage Mode – Input Blue Yellow Red Blue Yellow Red Blue Yellow Red
    Get All Songs – Input Red Yellow Blue Red Red Blue Blue Red Yellow Blue
    Get All Venues – Input Blue Orange Orange Blue Yellow Blue Orange Orange Blue Yellow

    Get Instruments and Clothes:
    Get Bomb Bass – Finish the impossible bass challenge.
    Get Bone Microphone – Finish Impossible Marithon 2 Challenge.
    Get Clear Fender American Deluxe Stratocaster HSS – Join the “Rolling Stone Rock Immortals” list.
    Get Clear Microphone – Finish Rock Immortal Setlist in World Tour as Vocal.
    Get Glowing Drum Set – Join the “Rolling Stone Rock Immortals” list.
    Get Gold Drum Set – Finish the impossible drum challenge.
    Get Gold Fender American Deluxe Stratocaster HSS – Finish the “Impossible Guitar Challenge”.
    Get Gold Microphone – Finish Imposible Vocal Challenge.
    Get Silver Bass – Finish “The Final Band Challenge” on Bass.
    Get Silver Drums – Finish “The Final Band Challenge” on Drums.
    Get Silver Guitar – Finish “The Final Band Challenge” on Guitar.
    Get Silver Microphone – Finish “The Final Band Challenge” on Vocals.
    Get The Goat Head guitar – Finish the Impossible Marathon 2 challenge on guitar on any difficulty level.
    Get Ultimate Goth Outfit – Finish the Impossible Drum Challenge.
    Get Ultimate Metal Outfit – Finish Impossible Vocal Challenge.
    Get Ultimate Metal Outfit – Finish the Vocals Impossible Challenge on any difficulty.
    Get Ultimate Punk Outfit – Finish the Impossible Bass Challenge on any difficulty.
    Get Ultimate Rock Outfit – Finish the Impossible Guitar Challenge on any difficulty.

  • Rock Band 2 Cheats

    Get Increased Detection – Input Yellow Blue Orange Yellow Blue Orange Yellow Blue Orange
    Get Stage Mode – Input Blue Yellow Red Blue Yellow Red Blue Yellow Red
    Get All Songs – Input Red Yellow Blue Red Red Blue Blue Red Yellow Blue
    Get All Venues – Input Blue Orange Orange Blue Yellow Blue Orange Orange Blue Yellow

    Get Instruments and Clothes:
    Get Bomb Bass – Finish the impossible bass challenge.
    Get Bone Microphone – Finish Impossible Marithon 2 Challenge.
    Get Clear Fender American Deluxe Stratocaster HSS – Join the “Rolling Stone Rock Immortals” list.
    Get Clear Microphone – Finish Rock Immortal Setlist in World Tour as Vocal.
    Get Glowing Drum Set – Join the “Rolling Stone Rock Immortals” list.
    Get Gold Drum Set – Finish the impossible drum challenge.
    Get Gold Fender American Deluxe Stratocaster HSS – Finish the “Impossible Guitar Challenge”.
    Get Gold Microphone – Finish Imposible Vocal Challenge.
    Get Silver Bass – Finish “The Final Band Challenge” on Bass.
    Get Silver Drums – Finish “The Final Band Challenge” on Drums.
    Get Silver Guitar – Finish “The Final Band Challenge” on Guitar.
    Get Silver Microphone – Finish “The Final Band Challenge” on Vocals.
    Get The Goat Head guitar – Finish the Impossible Marathon 2 challenge on guitar on any difficulty level.
    Get Ultimate Goth Outfit – Finish the Impossible Drum Challenge.
    Get Ultimate Metal Outfit – Finish Impossible Vocal Challenge.
    Get Ultimate Metal Outfit – Finish the Vocals Impossible Challenge on any difficulty.
    Get Ultimate Punk Outfit – Finish the Impossible Bass Challenge on any difficulty.
    Get Ultimate Rock Outfit – Finish the Impossible Guitar Challenge on any difficulty.

  • Rock Band Cheats

    Acquire Silver Instruments:
    Complete Bonus Tour Mode on any difficulty. You must also use the instrument you want in beating Bonus Tour Mode.

    Acquire Gold Instruments:
    Complete Solo Mode on any difficulty. You must also use the instrument you want in beating Solo Mode.

  • River King: A Wonderful Journey Cheats

    In The Stream: Frogs and insects:
    You can get frogs from other side of river from village on big grassy patch near bridge. You can get insects in near the C section behind the fisherman by the rocks.

    In The Stream: Ayu:
    You must fish for Ayu in the competition. Go to the billboard, have your basket empty, raise your HP, and use fish eggs that you buy from the store. Go all the way downstream before you get the logs. You will see a blue person on the ledge in middle of stream. Fish there.

  • Rise of the Kasai Cheats

    Defeating Basuku Boss:
    Go to the two lower balconies on either side of the tower and kill the horn blowing foes; you’ll no longer need to worry about their attacks.

  • Ratchet

    The Real Insomniac Muesum:
    First, go to the “SYSTEM CONFIGURATION” change the time to “2:55am”. Then, go to Silver City go through the Main Entrance take a left then another left go to the top of the fountain there will be a teleporter if you made it by “3:00am”

    Note: “SYSTEM CONFIGURATION” is on your PS2, you have 5 minutes.

    At the title screen hold L1 L2 R1 R2 and then press Square, Circle, Circle, Circle, Triangle, X and then press start. If you entered it correctly you will have unlimited everythig and all weapons and upgrades.

    Paint Jobs:
    Get skill points and visit Slim’s.

    Unlockable: How to Unlock:
    Clowner – 25 skill points
    Dark Nebula – 15 skill points
    Insomniac Special – 29 skill points
    Lunar Eclipse – 25 skill points
    Neutron Star – 19 skill points
    Paint Jobs – 3 skill points
    Plaidtastic – 29 skill points
    Scoop Nose – 18 skill points
    Silent Strike – 15 skill points
    Solar Wind – 15 skill points
    Space storm – 10 skill points
    Split Nose – 29 skill points
    Star Traveler – 19 skill points
    Super Paint Jobs – 10 skill points
    Supernova – 10 skill points
    Warp Streak – 10 skill points

    Challenge Mode and Secrets:
    After completing the game, Challenge mode and a lot of other features are open to you.

    Unlockable: How to Unlock:
    Challenge mode – Successfully complete the game once.
    Mega Weapons – Buy from vendors in challenge mode, after getting a weapon’s second form.
    Most of Secrets Menu – Play challenge mode
    Rejected Commercials – Get all weapons and modifications
    Rest of Secrets Menu – See above, get all weapons second form mods. Does not apply to Clank Zapper, Gagetron Weapons, R.Y.N.O II or Zodiac. These can have their first forms
    Sketchbook – Beat game once, then enter challenge mode and it should be in the Cinematics menu
    Ultra Weapons – Upgrade from Mega Weapons.

    Skill Point:
    Barlow Skill Points
    “Speed demon” – Beat 1:45 in the hoverbike race.

    Boldan Skill Points:
    “No shocking developments” – Ride the grind rail without getting hit.
    “Safety deposit” – Rescue all tourists at the bank.

    Damosel Skill Points:
    “Midtown madness” – Go grinding without getting hit.

    Dobbo Skill Points:
    “Dukes up” – Kill the mech with only melee attacks.
    “Old skool” – Kill all enemies with only the weapons from Ratchet and Clank 1.

    Endako Skill Points:
    “Nothing to see here” – Destroy all Megacorp rockets during the tour.
    “Destroy all breakables” – Bust up the Circular City.
    “Operate heavy machinery” – Destroy 10 robots with the crane.

    Grelbin Skill Points:
    “Be a moon child” – Mine all moonstones.

    Joba Skill Points:
    “That’s impossible!” – Beat the impossible challenge.
    “How fast was that?” – Beat 2:05 in the hoverbike race.
    “Wrench Ninja II: Massacre” – Kill all enemies with only the wrench.
    “Bye bye birdies” – Kill 12 birds.

    Maktar Nebula Skill Points:
    “Wrench Ninja: Blade to Blade” – Defeat Chainblade with only the wrench.
    “Vandalize” – Bust up the Maktar Resort.
    “2B or not 2B hit” – Kill B2 Brawler without getting hit.
    “Clank needs a new pair of shoes” – Win 300 bolts from a slot machine.

    Noob Skill Points:
    “Robo rampage” – Turn Lunar City into a parking lot.

    Notak Skill Points:
    “Planet buster” – Destroy the large floating globe.

    Oozla Skill Points:
    “Prehistoric rampage” – Shoot 4 pterodactyls.
    “Smash and grab” – Bust up the Megacorp store.

    Siberius Skill Points:
    “You can break a Snow Dan” – Kill the Snow Dan.

    Snivelak Skill Points:
    “Moving violation” – Destroy 14 ships.

    Tabora Skill Points:
    “Heal your chi” – Get all crystals.

    Todano Skill Points:
    “You’re my hero” – Rescue all tourists.
    “Try to sleep” – Turn 16 squirrels into sheep.

    Other Skill Points:
    “Nano to the max!” – Max out Ratchet’s nanotech.
    “Weapon envy” – Get all weapons and upgrades.
    “Nice ride” – Upgrade all parts of Ratchet’s ship.

    Free Weapons:
    If you have a completed game save of Ratchet

  • Rapala Pro Fishing Cheats

    Catching a Salmon:

    Leave the drag alone. Leave it at 3, and use the heaviest line; also, use a heavy rod for improved leverage. Keep tension on the line by pulling left and right when the salmon runs out, and when he runs in, maintain holding left or right until it gets to the edge of the water. Next, pull up to alter the tension. To catch the salmon in the boat, pull toward the side or back part of the boat.

  • Rampage: Total Destruction Cheats

    Kingston – Play as Lizzie in Las Vegas
    Jack – Play as Harry in Las Vegas
    Marco – Play as Ralph in San Francisco
    Shelby – Play as Lizzie in San Francisco
    Natalie – Play as Marco in San Francisco
    Kyle – Play as Kingston in London
    Icky – Play as Ralph in London
    Edwin – Play as Wally in London
    Cal – Play as Kyle in Los Angeles
    Amanda – Play as Kyle in Los Angeles
    Bart – Play as Kingston in Los Angeles
    Rojo – Play as Kyle in Chicago
    Harry – Play as Marco in Chicago
    Nick – Play as Harry in Chicago
    Croc – Play as Rojo in Hong Kong
    Venus – Play as Croc in Hong Kong
    Jill – Play as Amanda in Hong Kong
    Wally – Play as Marco in New York
    Rocky – Play as Cal in New York
    Joe – Play as Natalie in New York
    Philbert – Complete all the Par Point Stars in all the cities.
    Eyegore – Complete all the Challenge Stars in all the cities
    Bubba – Unlock all the monsters, secret and normal.

  • Rainbow Six: Critical Hour Cheats

    Easy multi-player levels:
    In multi-player P.E.C. mode there are two very easy medals to get, 100 Kills and 100 Deaths. It is possible to go from level 1 to 8 in about an hour just from getting these two medals.

  • Pac-Man World 3 Cheats

    Unlock all levels and mazes:
    At the menu screen (the one with new game, load game etc) input the following code to unlock all the levels and all of the 3D maze games. Note that the code must be entered quickly.level select/maze select left, right, left, right, circle, up

  • Over the Hedge Cheats

    Get All Characters:
    Hold L1 R1 and push Triangle, Square, X, O, Triangle.

  • OutRun 2006: Coast 2 Coast Cheats

    100% Completion:
    Use code ENTIRETY this must be entered as a name when editing a license, however you must decline when prompted to confirm the changes.

  • Operative, The: No One Lives Forever Cheats

    Level Select:
    At the main menu, highlight load game. Press and hold L3 and R3, then press X.

  • Onimusha 3: Demon Siege Cheats

    2nd Titles:
    Get Bravery – Save only one time.
    Get Critical – Acquire a crirtical hit rate of 40%.
    Get Speed – Finish the game in under 5 hours.
    Get Explorer – Locate all 23 Tengu treasure boxes.
    Get Offense – Slay more than 3000 foes.
    Get Defense – Withstand less than 5120 points of damage.

    Get Critical Mode:
    Finish the game on hard difficulty.

    Extended Ending:
    Locate all of Ako?s vests for a longer ending.

  • NHL 09 Cheats

    Get Third Jersey:
    Input R6y34bsH52

  • NHL 08 Cheats

    Get CCM Gear:
    Input fh6ft48h9kkhb.

    Get Reebok Gear:
    Input h3oyxpwksf8ibcgt.

  • NFL Street 2 Cheats

    Get Max Tackle:
    Input “BlastTackle”.

  • Need for Speed Undercover Cheats

    Flawless Launch:
    Make your tachometer needle hit blue just as the race begins.

  • Need for Speed ProStreet Cheats

    File Corruption Solution:

    If you inadvertently shut off your system before it saves your alias file may be damaged. Reboot your PS2 and go into the memory card browser. Find the corrupted file and delete said file.

    There will be another file on the card which is your “Career” file; don’t delete this block. Start up ProStreet and you will be prompted to create another Alias. Once you’ve done this your career file will load.

  • NCAA Football 10 Cheats

    Rivalry trophies:
    Unlock the listed rivalry trophy by winning a game as one of the two corresponding teams.

    Apple Cup – University of Washington Huskies vs. Washington State University Cougars
    Battle of I-25 Trophy – New Mexico vs. New Mexico State
    Bayou Bucket – Houston Cougars vs. Rice Owls
    Beehive Boot – Utah vs. Brigham Young vs. Utah State vs. Weber State
    Bronze Boot – Colorado State University vs. University of Wyoming
    Commander in Chief – Army vs. Navy vs. Air Force
    Commonwealth Cup – University of Virginia Cavaliers vs. Virginia Tech Hokies
    Cy-Hawk Trophy – Iowa Hawkeyes vs. Iowa State Cyclones
    Floyd of Rosedale – University of Minnesota Gophers vs. Iowa Hawkeyes
    Fremont Cannon – Nevada Wolf Pack vs. UNLV Rebels
    Golden Boot – University of Arkansas Razorbacks vs. LSU Tigers
    Golden Egg Trophy – Ole Miss Rebels vs. Mississippi State
    Golden Hat – Texas Longhorns vs. Oklahoma Sooners
    Cup – Kansas State vs. University of Kansas or University of Kentucky
    vs. University of Louisville or Florida State University vs. University
    of Florida or
    Governor’s Cup – Brown University vs. University of Rhode Island or Georgia Tech vs. University of Georgia
    Governor’s Victory Bell – Minnesota vs. Penn State
    Illibuck – Ohio State Buckeyes vs. Illinois Fighting Illini
    Ireland Trophy – Boston College vs. Notre Dame
    Iron Skillet – South Methodist University Mustangs vs. Texas Christian University Horned Frogs
    Jeweled Shillelagh – Purdue vs. Notre Dame
    Keg of Nails – Cincinnati Bearcats vs. Louisville Cardinals
    Land Grant Trophy – Penn State vs. Michigan State
    Little Brown Jug – Minnesota vs. University of Michigan
    Marching Drum – Kansas vs. Missouri
    Megaphone – Notre Dame vs. Michigan State
    Missouri-Nebraska Bell – Missouri vs. Nebraska
    ODK – FOY Sportsmanship Trophy – Alabama vs. Auburn
    Old Oaken Bucket – Indiana vs. Purdue
    Paul Bunyan Trophy – Michigan vs. Michigan State
    Paul Bunyan’s Axe – Minnesota vs. Wisconsin
    Peace Pipe – Bowling Green vs. Toledo
    Purdue Cannon – Purdue vs. Illinois
    Seminole War Canoe – Florida vs. Miami
    Shillelagh Trophy – Notre Dame vs. Purdue
    Silver Spade – New Mexico State vs. UTEP
    Stanford Axe – Cal vs. Stanford
    Telephone Trophy – Iowa State vs. Missouri
    Territorial Cup – Arizona vs. Arizona State
    Textile Bowl Trophy – Clemson vs. NC State
    Tiger Rag – LSU vs. Tulane
    Victory Bell – Miami University Red Hawks vs. Cincinnati Bearcats
    Victory Bell – UCLA vs. USC
    Victory Bell – Missouri Tigers vs. Nebraska Cornhuskers
    Wagon Wheel – Akron vs. Kent State
    Williams Trophy – Rice vs. Tulsa

  • NBA Street V3 Cheats

    Get 100,000 SP:
    During the start screen push Down Down Left Left Up Up Right Right X X

  • NBA Live 08 Cheats

    Get Sneakers:
    Input 23DN1PPOG4 – Get Gil Zero All-Star
    Input ADGILLIT0B8 – Get TS Lightswitch (Away)
    Input ADGILLIT1B9 – Get Gil Wood
    Input ADGILLIT2BA – Get TS Lightswitch (Home)
    Input ADGILLIT4BC – Get Cuba
    Input ADGILLIT5BD – Customize
    Input ADGILLIT6BE – Get Agent Zero
    Input FE454DFJCC – Get Duncan All-Star

  • NBA Jam Cheats

    Input Trophy, Trophy, Trophy, DOWN – Get Tournament mode.
    Input Trophy, Trophy, Trophy, LEFT – Get Child’s Play (exhibition mode).
    Input Trophy, Basketball, Basketball, Down – Get Challenging Mode.
    Input Trophy, Basketball, Basketball, UP – Get No Replays.
    Input Trophy, Basketball, Basketball, LEFT – Get No Fire.
    Input Basketball, NBA Jam Ball, Basketball – Get ABA Ball.

    Get Developer Teams:
    Input CREDITS as a profile name.

    Get 1,000,000 Jam Points:
    Input your name as: -Points

    Get 1,000,000 Jam Points:
    Prevail in the Legend’s Tournament.

    Get 70’s Announcer Voice:
    Prevail in the Legend’s Tournament.

    Get 70’s Team 1:
    Prevail in the 70’s Team 1 in Legend’s Tournament.

    Get 70’s Team 2:
    Prevail in the 70’s Team 2 in Legend’s Tournament.

    Get 70’s Team 3:
    Prevail in the 70’s Team 3 in Legend’s Tournament.

  • NBA Ballers: Phenom Cheats

    Unlock All Players:
    Complete the story mode one time to unlock all the locked players.

    Code – Result:
    1 3 4 – Big Heads
    4 3 3 – Kid Ballers
    0 1 1 – Tournament Mode
    1 2 3 – Alternate gear

    Speedy Players:
    Enter at vs. screen: Square(2),triangle(1),and circle(3)

  • NBA 2K2 Cheats

    Bonus teams:
    Enter MEGASTARS as a case-sensitive code to unlock the Sega Sports, Visual Concepts, and Team 2K2 in exhibition and street modes.

    Intentional fouls:
    When you are down by a few points, press L1 R2 to call the defense to create an intentional foul. Use this as a strategy to try and tie the score to go to overtime, assuming the opponent will miss the free throws.

    Easy dunk:
    To do the Vince Carter dunk (under the legs) on a break away, control Stackhouse, Bryant, Carter, Macgrady, or any other good player. Hold R1 (Turbo) and go up for a dunk. You will make it most of the time.

    Free throw interference:
    When the visiting team has a free throw, press Square before the player shoots to have the crowd wave balloons.

    Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Bernard King:
    Go to the active players section and find the 80’s All-Stars. The West 80’s team will have two players who are not active. They are Bernard King and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. Take out any player(s) and trade them in for one or both of them.

  • Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 3 Cheats

    Get Multi-Player Characters (hold select while choosing your character on the right):
    Get Butterfly Chouji – Chouji
    Get Drunken style Lee – Lee
    Get CS2 Jiroubou – Jiroubou
    Get CS2 Kidoumaru – Kidoumaru
    Get CS2 Kimimaro – Kimimaro
    Get One-Tailed Naruto – Naruto
    Get CS2 Sakon – Sakon
    Get CS2 Sasuke – Sasuke
    Get Shukaku Gaara (normal-sized) – Gaara
    Get CS2 Tayuya – Tayuya

  • Naruto: Narutimate Hero 3 Cheats

    2nd Form:

  • Naruto Shippuden: Narutimate Accel 2 Cheats

    Get Secondary Forms:
    B that character in Story Mode. When playing in Vs. Mode, press R1 when the character is selected.

    Get Characters:
    Get Chiyo – Beat her master.
    Get Chiyo – Beat Sasori?s True Form.
    Get Deidara – Beat Deidara.
    Get Itachi – Beat Itachi.
    Get Kabuto – Beat Kabuto.
    Get Kisame – Beat Kisame.
    Get Orochimaru – Beat Orochimaru.
    Get Sai – Beat Sai.
    Get Sasori Hiruko – Beat Sasori.
    Get Sasori (True Form) – Beat Sasori?s True Form.
    Get Sasuke – Beat Sasuke.
    Get Yamato – Beat Sai.

    Get 100,000 Yen:
    Begin a new Story Mode using save data from the original Accel game.
    Get Narutimate Difficulty:
    Complete all of Gai’s challenges in Training Grounds.
    Get 100,000 Yen/Bonus Characters 2:
    Start a new game with Narutimate Hero 3 save data on your memory card.
    Get Sasuke RPG Mode:
    Complete Master Mode and all related side quests; next, head to the room where you first beat Sasuke, get the blue aura present there, and Sasuke RPG Mode will become available.

  • Naruto Shippuden: Narutimate Accel Cheats

    Get Characters:
    Get Gaara (Old Version) – Beat his full Shukaku version using Naruto.
    Get Godaime Hokage (Tsunade) – Acquire the scene where she attacks Orochimaru.
    Get Haku – Beat him.
    Get Jiraiya – Acquire the scene where Naruto protects Tsunade from Kabuto.
    Get Kabuto – Beat him using Naruto.
    Get Kankurou (Old Version) – Acquire the scene of his fight against Shino during Konoha?s Invasion.
    Get Nidaime Hokage – Acquire the scene of Sanaime?s funeral.
    Get Orochimaru – Acquire him after Naruto fights him.
    Get Sandaime Hokage – Beat Orochimaru using him during Konoha?s Invasion.
    Get Shizune – Acquire the scene where Tsunade attacks Orochimaru.
    Get Temari (Old Version) – Acquire the scene of her fight against Shikamaru during the Chuunin Exams.
    Get Zabuza – Beat him.

  • MVP Baseball 2004 Cheats

    Get Full Pitcher Stamina:
    Hit the guy at bat (L1 L3). Your pitcher will be kicked out. Select a new pitcher and he begins with 100% stamina.

  • Mercenaries 2: World in Flames Cheats

    Input the cheats below at the Faction menu:
    Get $1 000 000 – Right Down Left Up Up Left Down Right
    Every Faction Becomes Neutral – Up Up Up Up Down Down Right Left
    Fuel Filled – Right Down Left Up Right Down Left Up
    Unlimited Ammo – Right Left Right Right Left Right Left Left
    Unlimited Health – Up Down Up Down Left Right Left Right

  • Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 Cheats

    Cheat codes:
    Activate the following cheats by entering the
    corresponding sequences of buttons at the specified screen. Note that
    earning trophies and saving become disabled once you enter a cheat.

    All Dossiers – At the main menu, press Down(3), Right(2), Left, Down, Start.
    All movies – At the main menu, press Up, Left(2), Up, Right(2), Up, Start.
    All diaries – At the main menu, press Left, Right(2), Left, Up(2), Right, Start.
    Extra money – At the “Hero Details” menu, quickly press Up(2), Down(2), Up(3), Down, Start.
    All Fusions – While playing, press Right(2), Up, Down, Up(2), Left, Start.
    All powers – While playing, quickly press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right(2), Left, Start.
    All skins – While playing, press Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Start to unlock all skins.
    All heroes – While playing, press Up(2), Down(2), Left(3), Start to unlock all heroes.
    Play as Hulk – While playing, quickly press Down, Left(2), Up, Right, Up, Down, Left, Start.
    Play as Jean Grey – While playing, press Left(2), Right(2), Up, Down, Up, Down, Start.
    Play as Thor – While playing, press Up, Right(2), Down, Right, Down, Left, Right, Start.

    Unlockable Characters:
    Unlock the following characters by performing the corresponding tasks:

    Hulk – Collect all 5 Gamma Regulators
    Jean Grey – Collect all 5 M’Kraan Shards
    Thor – Asgardian Runes
    Ms. Marvel – Beat the NYC Level
    Deadpool – Beat the D.C. Level
    Iron Fist – Choose the Rebel side
    Songbird – Choose the Register side
    Green Goblin – Beat the Wakanda level
    Venom – Beat the Wakanda level
    Nick Fury – Beat the Game

    Luke Cage – Select Anti-reg, or get him after Iron Man grants amnesty to the Anti-reg.

    Penance – Defeat Penance in the portal room to the Negative Zone.

    Reed Richards – Select Pro-reg, or get him after Iron Man grants amnesty to Anti-reg.

    Songbird – Choose the Register side.

    New Game mode:
    To unlock New Game mode, complete the game on the Legendary difficulty.

    Team Bonuses:
    Use the corresponding teams to unlock the following stats bonuses:

    5% XP – Natural Leaders (Captain America, Ms. Marvel, Mr. Fantastic, Songbird, Storm)
    10% Resist All – New Avengers (Iron Man, Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Wolverine, Spiderman, Ms. Marvel)
    5% of Damage Returned as Health – Natural Forces (Human Torch, Iceman, Jean Grey, Storm)
    15% Health Increase – Shut Up Already! (Ice Man, Human Torch, Spider-Man and Thing)
    2 to All Attributes – Agile Warriors (Daredevil, Deadpool, Iron Fist, Spider-Man)
    35% Fusion Gain – Fantastic Four (Mr. Fantastic, Human Torch, Thing, Invisible Woman)
    15% Max Stamina – X-Men (Ice Man, Storm, Wolverine, Gambit and/or Jean Grey)
    15% Max Stamina – Classic Avengers (Captain America, Hulk, Iron Man, Thor)
    5% Damage – Thunderbolts (Green Goblin, Venom, Penance, Songbird)
    5% Damage – Femmes Fatales (Any four women characters)
    5 Strike – Bruisers (Hulk, Thor, Luke Cage, Ms. Marvel, Venom, Thing)
    5 Strike – Martial Artists (Capatain America, Daredevil, Deadpool, Iron Fist, Wolverine)
    15% Maximum Health – Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (Daredevil, Iron Man, Mr. Fantastic, Ms. Marvel, Nick Fury or Wolverine)
    15% Maximum Health – Masters of Energy (Gambit, Iron Fist, Jean Grey, Ms. Marvel, Nick Fury, Penance)
    15% Maximum Health – Master Minds (Nick Fury, Iron Man, Mr. Fantatic, Spider-Man)
    15% Maximum Health – Pro-Registration (Iron Man, Deadpool, Mr. Fantastic, Ms. Marvel, Songbird, Spider-Man)
    15% Maximum Health – Think Tanks (Hulk, Green Goblin, Spider-Man, Iron Man, Mr. Fantastic)

    Unlockable Costumes:
    Unlock the following alternate costumes by performing the corresponding tasks with that character:

    Classic Captain America costume – After choosing Anit-Reg, defeat 50 foes
    Secret War Daredevil costume – After choosing Pro or Anti-Reg, defeat 50 foes
    Unmasked Deadpool costume – After choosing Pro-Reg, defeat 50 foes
    Horseman of the Apocalypse Gambit costume – After choosing Pro or Anti-Reg, defeat 50 foes
    Hob Goblin Green Goblin costume – After choosing Pro or Anti-Reg, defeat 50 foes with this character
    Red Hulk – Defeat 50 foes
    Ultimate Human Torch costume – After choosing Anti-Reg, defeat 50 foes
    Bobby Drake Iceman costume – After choosing Pro or Anti-Reg, defeat 50 foes
    Ultimate Invisible Woman costume – After choosing Anti-Reg, defeat 50 foes
    Bei Bang-Wen Iron Fist costume – After choosing Anti-Reg, defeat 50 foes
    Classic Iron Man costume – After choosing Pro-Reg, defeat 50 foes
    Marvel Girl Jean Grey costume – Defeat 50 foes
    Secret War Luke Cage costume – After choosing Anti-Reg, defeat 50 foes
    Ultimate Mr. Fantastic costume – After choosing Pro-Reg, defeat 50 foes with this character
    Warbird Ms. Marvel costume – After choosing Pro-Reg, defeat 50 foes
    No Costume Penance costume – Defeat 50 foes
    Screaming Mimi Songbird costume – After choosing Pro-Reg, defeat 50 foes
    Iron Spider Spider-Man costume – After choosing Pro-Reg, defeat 50 foes
    Atonishing Storm costume – After choosing Pro or Anti-Reg, defeat 50 foes
    Ultimate Thing costume – After choosing Pro or Anti-Reg, defeat 50 foes
    Reborn Thor costume – Defeat 50 foes
    Eddie Brock Venom costume – Defeat 50 foes
    Secret War Wolverine costume – After choosing Anti-Reg, defeat 50 foes

    Easy Attitude points:

    To earn easy Attitude points, talk to all of the characters in an HQ
    and select the “Agressive”, “Diplomatic”, or “Defensive” responses.
    Then, save the game, quit, and reload it. Repeat all conversations with
    different responses to earn additional Additude points.

    Final Boss:

    Choose Storm to fight the final boss. She is immune to his elemental attacks.

    Trivia answers:

    Stark Industries

    ????? 1. Steve Rogers
    ????? 2. Daredevil
    ????? 3. Max Dillon
    ????? 4. Kinetically Charged
    ????? 5. Wonder Man’s Brother
    ????? 6. A Gamma Ray Explosion
    ????? 7. Fly
    ????? 8. Breathe in Space
    ????? 9. Susan Storm
    ????? 10. Jetpacks
    ????? 11. An Experiment
    ????? 12. Scorcher
    ????? 13. Phineas Mason
    ????? 14. Whirlwind
    ????? 15. A Rich Industrialist
    ????? 16. Anthony Edward Stark
    ????? 17. Espionage Experience
    ????? 18. Frozen in Ice
    ????? 19. A Lawyer
    ????? 20. Remy LeBeau
    ????? 21. A Schoolyard Fight
    ????? 22. Create Force Fields
    ????? 23. Alcoholic
    ????? 24. Black Widow
    ????? 25. Bravo Team
    ????? 26. Electro
    ????? 27. Damage Control
    ????? 28. Super Soldier Serum
    ????? 29. Ben
    ????? 30. Wisecracks
    ????? 31. James
    ????? 32. Adamantium
    ????? 33. Cosmic Radiation
    ????? 34. Tribal Elder
    ????? 35. Plane Crash

    White Star

    ????? 1. Genetic Experiments
    ????? 2. Seen on Live TV
    ????? 3. Nitro
    ????? 4. Vibrating Air Blasts
    ????? 5. The Daily Bugle
    ????? 6. In A Refion Of Kenya
    ????? 7. Yancy Street
    ????? 8. Fantastic Four
    ????? 9. Diamondback
    ????? 10. Vibranium
    ????? 11. Sight
    ????? 12. Ice
    ????? 13. A Space Flight
    ????? 14. Educator
    ????? 15. Harlem
    ????? 16. Heroes For Hire
    ????? 17. Tranquilizer Darts
    ????? 18. Lincoln Memorial
    ????? 19. White Star
    ????? 20. Mr. Fantastic
    ????? 21. 16
    ????? 22. Short Temper
    ????? 23. Nathan Summers
    ????? 24. Tandy Bowen
    ????? 25. His Sister
    ????? 26. New York
    ????? 27. Ballet Dancer
    ????? 28. Advanced Devices
    ????? 29. Eric Williams
    ????? 30. Golden Mace
    ????? 31. Multiple Man
    ????? 32. New Warriors
    ????? 33. Herman Schultz
    ????? 34. Unknown
    ????? 35. He is in a Comic Book

    Fury’s Secret Base
    ????? 1. Life Model Decoy
    ????? 2. Robotic Duplicats
    ????? 3. Pym Particles
    ????? 4. Wolfgang Von Strucker
    ????? 5. James Rhodes
    ????? 6. Shocker
    ????? 7. Nobody
    ????? 8. Telekinesis
    ????? 9. Russia
    ????? 10. Cloak And Dagger
    ????? 11. Light Knives
    ????? 12. Molten Man
    ????? 13. Organic Doubles
    ????? 14. Reed Richards
    ????? 15. Patriot
    ????? 16. Negative Zone
    ????? 17. Being Ex-Shield
    ????? 18. Hydra
    ????? 19. Scientist
    ????? 20. High School Student
    ????? 21. Latent Mutation
    ????? 22. Ten
    ????? 23. Starktech Armor Suit
    ????? 24. Geffen-Meyer
    ????? 25. Skybird One
    ????? 26. 612
    ????? 27. Hydra Base
    ????? 28. A Sedative
    ????? 29. Western New York
    ????? 30. Capes
    ????? 31. K’un-L’un
    ????? 32. His Skeleton
    ????? 33. Cloak
    ????? 34. The Thing
    ????? 35. Robbie Baldwin

    Wakandan Palace

    ????? 1. Howling Commandoes
    ????? 2. An Alien Organism
    ????? 3. Hulk
    ????? 4. Chi Energy
    ????? 5. Bill Foster
    ????? 6. Pro Wrestler
    ????? 7. High Intensity Sonics
    ????? 8. A Rare Herb
    ????? 9. Ice And Fire
    ????? 10. Microwave Energy
    ????? 11. Alex Summers
    ????? 12. Rick Jones
    ????? 13. Cyclops
    ????? 14. A Vance Astrovik
    ????? 15. Angelica Jones
    ????? 16. Psychiatrist
    ????? 17. Speedball
    ????? 18. Pain
    ????? 19. Africa
    ????? 20. Grey and Cyclops
    ????? 21. Mjolnir
    ????? 22. Telekinesis
    ????? 23. Swanson
    ????? 24. Venom
    ????? 25. Thirty Seconds
    ????? 26. Portal
    ????? 27. Negative Zone
    ????? 28. District Attorney
    ????? 29. Jennifer Walters
    ????? 30. Engineering
    ????? 31. Mac Gargan
    ????? 32. Joseph
    ????? 33. His Brother
    ????? 34. WWI Pilot
    ????? 35. Lawyer

    Stark Industries After Pro-Registation

    ????? 1. Scientific Acumen
    ????? 2. Maria Hill
    ????? 3. Air Force Pilot
    ????? 4. Atlantean Royalty
    ????? 5. Kree Technology
    ????? 6. Metallurgy
    ????? 7. Connecticut
    ????? 8. Ororo Munroe
    ????? 9. Trained Pilot
    ????? 10. His Natural Genius
    ????? 11. Not Related
    ????? 12. A Barge
    ????? 13. Baron Zemo
    ????? 14. Coldheart
    ????? 15. On Roosevent Island
    ????? 16. Wolverine
    ????? 17. Gamma Regulators
    ????? 18. Nuclear Physics
    ????? 19. Odin
    ????? 20. Elder God
    ????? 21. X-Men
    ????? 22. Phoenix Force
    ????? 23. Super-Villain
    ????? 24. Merc With A Mouth
    ????? 25. Sanity
    ????? 26. A Published Novelist
    ????? 27. Carol Danvers
    ????? 28. Ironfist
    ????? 29. Jessica Jones
    ????? 30. Heroes For Hire
    ????? 31. X-Men
    ????? 32. Daredevil
    ????? 33. Gambit
    ????? 34. Professional Thief
    ????? 35. Alternative Future?

  • Manhunt 2 Cheats

    Different Weapon Uses:
    Weapons like the machete, meat cleaver, knife and glass shard can slice various ropes in the game. The knife will allow you to lock-pick, the crowbar can pry open padlocks, guns can blow away locked door handles.

  • Magna Carta: Tears of Blood Cheats

    Gift tip:
    Save your gifts that you find in the game for later because a blacksmith in lester will have very powerful upgrades for silver pendants and other items.

  • Madden NFL 09 Cheats

    1. When a defense appears prepared for your current play, use a quick audible to your advantage.

    2. While playing through the Madden Test, be patient. Hurrying through the drills will cause your Madden IQ to suffer.

    3. Use Formation Subs to bring a new player into the game.

    4. Playing Superstar as a Tight End behooves you, as you can play as a Lineman and a Wide Receiver.

    5. Use your EA Rewinds like timeouts, preserving them for crucial situations.

    6. Input into endzone hotspots to trigger special player celebrations.
    ?? ?
    7. Call a short yard FB run play with a backup RB to increase the odds that yards will be acquired.

    8. Read the Madden Moment description; at times a FG is good enough to complete the Moment.

    9. Remember to use the Field Goal Block Return play when a long FG is tried.
    10. Importing your Fantasy Football Team from your Fantasy League gives you the chance to test your team?s mettle on the field.

    11. Use the stiff arm special move to break tackles with the ball carrier.

    12. Use an All Madden or Fantasy Drafted created team when playing in Franchise or against a friend will give you the edge.

    13. When punting is not choice, use the QB Sneak play to gain those last couple of yards in short yardage situations.
    14. Use EA Rewind to try it over again when a play doesn?t go the way you planned.
    15. Utilize the Player HUB to view what part of the game your friends are playing in.
    16. Use the Player HUB to push game invites and Online league invites.
    17. Make custom Online Leagues with your friends to view who is the best at Madden.
    18. Use EA Sports World to record your accomplishments in all game modes.
    19. While playing multi-player games, use the Bluff Play selection to
    hide from your opponent which play you are about to execute.
    20. Make new offensive and defensive plays in NFL Head Coach 09 and import them into Madden.

    21. Use the new tackle breaking system; press a button or move the
    highlight stick while getting tackled to try to break out of it.
    22. Use the Beginner Game Style for an easier Madden experience.
    23. When you complete a game, go to the Virtual Trainer to improve your weaknesses.
    24. Play Madden 93 with the 20th Anniversary Collector?s Edition.
    25. Access Instant Replay, Challenge Plays, and see stats without ever leaving the playcall screen.

    Get Teams in Fantasy Challenge Mode:
    Get AFC All Star – Defeat this team at the Supreme League or buy their card.
    Get Deceivers – Defeat this team at the Supreme League.
    Get Dummies – Defeat this team at the Supreme League.
    Get Glaciers – Defeat this team at the Supreme League.
    Get Kickers – Defeat this team at the Newbie League.
    Get Manipulators – Defeat this team at the Black and Blue League.
    Get Monsters – Defeat this team at the Powerhouse League.
    Get NFC All Star – Defeat this team at the Supreme League or buy their card.
    Get Tridents – Defeat this team at the Supreme League.

  • LMA Manager 2006 Cheats

    Cheats list for Version 31876:
    Full pace for players – 0TXYU7TKLNHCB
    Full stats for players – FPPWMPFTPG2CC
    Sign on anybody – 39YN5T4VLH5P8
    Players recover in one day – JRFTREXF39RDF
    500 million credits – VCXEKE7AATQ50
    Scouting staff stats are maxxed – YUMKQB992YTV4
    Club may use best training facility – 8LFPNQK57VB46
    Youth players all have full potential – MTYXT99WA6DXA
    Always snows at matches – KR7FGQMPYN1WF
    Always rains at matches – AVQ9P3X4JKPT3
    Moon ball – 2XPYPL5FWKH9B
    Transfer shutdown – 4FHPMBNLHWF2B
    Job for life – NKYG45QCBKT39

    Cheats list for Version 52452:
    One day stadium build – R82CQYGDPQKV0
    No more money worries – 4EICEWPN0H8AC
    Do you want to be in my gang – V5EJ5HMH40KH0
    Healing hands – GFBYT5TL6GJB4
    Defying time – 1YHEQW7FVQ9UA

  • LEGO Batman: The Videogame Cheats

    Get Characters and Vehicles:
    Get Bruce Wayne – Input BDJ327
    Get Commissioner Gordon – Input DDP967
    Get Nightwing – Input MVY759
    Get Penguin Henchman – Input KJP748
    Get Police Van – Input MAC788
    Get The Joker – Input CCB199
    Get Yeti – Input NJL412

    More Features:
    Get More Hearts – Input ML3KHP
    Increase Score tenfold – Input 18HW07
    Invulnerable – Input WYD5CP

    More Hearts – Input ML3KHP
    Quicker Batarangs – Input JRBDCB
    Quicker Piece Assembly – Input EVG26J
    Quicker Walking – Input ZOLM6N
    Fire Batarangs – Input D8NYWH
    Frosty Batarangs – Input XPN4NG
    Heart Regain – Input HJH7HJ
    Immune to Frost – Input JXUDY6
    Indestructible – Input WYD5CP
    Minikit Detector – Input ZXGH9J
    Multiply Score – Input 9LRGNB
    Piece Detector – Input KHJ544
    Power Brick Detection – Input MMN786
    Score Multiplier x2 – Input N4NR3E
    Score Multiplier x4 – Input CX9MAT
    Score Multiplier x6 – Input MLVNF2
    Score Multiplier x8 – Input WCCDB9
    Score Multiplier x10 – Input 18HW07

  • Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories Cheats

    Get Rebirth Mode:
    Finish the game with Sora.

    Get All Cutscenes:
    Finish beat the game.

  • King Kong: The Official Game Of The Movie Cheats

    More effective spears and bones:
    Spears and bones are more effective when lit on fire.

    Cheat mode:
    Hold L R and press Down, X, Up, Y, Down(2), Up(2) at the main menu. Release L R and a “Cheat” option will appear at the main menu. Select the “Cheat” option:

    Bonuses completed:
    Enter KKmuseum as a code.

    Unlimited spears:
    Enter lance 1nf as a code. Note: This code includes the number “1” in the second word.

    Machine gun:
    Enter KKcapone as a code.

    Enter KKtigun as a code.

    God mode:
    Enter 8wonder as a code.

    Level select:
    Enter KKst0ry as a code. Note: This code includes the number “0”.

    One-hit kills:
    Enter GrosBras as a code.

    999 ammunition:
    Enter KK 999 mun as a code.

    Enter KKsh0tgun as a code. Note: This code includes the number “0”.

    Sniper rifle:
    Enter KKsn1per as a code. Note: This code includes the number “1”.

    More effective spears and bones:
    Spears and bones are more effective when lit on fire.

    Weta Artworks: Environments Part 2:
    Get a 25% game completion and obtain the correct online code for your particular game at

    Weta Artworks: Kong Part 4:
    Have at least 150,000 points and a 100% game completion.

    Horizontal flip option:
    Get a 100% game completion and obtain the correct online code for your particular game at

    Peter Jackson Interview:
    Have at least 75,000 points and a 100% game completion.

    Philippa Boyens interview:
    Have at least 200,000 points, a 100% game completion, and obtain the correct online code for your particular game at

    Save Kong alternate ending sequence:
    Have at least 250,000 points and a 100% game completion.

  • Jeremy McGrath Supercross World Cheats

    Get All Bikes:
    Finish the Hardcore section of Career Mode.

    Limitless Turbo:
    Input the following code at the main menu: R2 L1 SQUARE CIRCLE CIRCLE CIRCLE

    Get Moon Gravity:
    Input the following code at the main menu: UP UP UP UP R1 SQUARE CIRCLE

  • Hot Wheels: Stunt Track Challenge Cheats

    Get HW Prototype 12:
    Finish first in the Tiki Island episode.

    Get Muscle Tone:
    Finish first or second in the Tiki Island episode.

    Get Overbored:
    Finish first or second in the Buccaneer Bay episode.

    Get Pony-Up:
    Finish first in the Jurassic Jam episode.

    Get Power Pipes:
    Finish first or second in the Lava Land episode.

    Get Gold Car – Finish all six areas of the game.
    Get HW Prototype – Complte first place in Tiki Island.
    Get Jester – Complete second place in Zero Gravity Zone.
    Get Rodger Dodger – Complete first place in Zero Gravity Zone.
    Get Super Tuned – Complete first place in Spider Alley.
    Get Suzuka – Complete second place in Spider Alley.
    Get Switchback – Complete first place in Lava Land.
    Get Vulture – Complete second in Jurassic Jam.
    Get Zotic – Complete first place in Buccaneer Bay.
    Get The Govner – Complete first place in all six areas.
    Get Gold Car – Finish all six areas of the game.
    Get Muscle Tone – Finish first or second in the Tiki Island episode.
    Get Overbored – Finish first or second in the Buccaneer Bay episode.
    Get Pony-Up – Finish first in the Jurassic Jam episode.
    Get Power Pipes – Finish first or second in the Lava Land episode.

  • James Bond 007: From Russia With Love Cheats

    Unlock Bond’s Snow Suit:
    Obtain it in the Factory mission

    Unlock Bond’s Dinner Jacket:
    Obtain it from Q’s Head Quarters at the second part of the Hedgemaze mission

    Formal Dinner Suit:
    On the second level, complete the maze and you will be in Moneypennys office. Search the drawer to find the Formal Dinner Suit

    Unlock Covert suit:
    In the room with the final bomb on the Station T level, go to the big safe and a covert suit will be lying on top.

    Easy kills:
    If you use Bond focus, you will sometimes see two targets, one for his or her heart or grenade (lower target). If you shoot the lower target, the grenade will fall off and explode in front of the enemy.

    Easy skill points:
    When you use Bond Focus and shoot either target, you will get skill points.

    Easy ammunition:
    When you search a file folder or something else and find ammunition, keep searching it over again to fill up your gun. You can return to the file folder at anytime and do it again.

    Easy attach? case points:
    When you get an attach? case and you must put in a code using Triangle, Square, Circle, X, R1, and R2, you can press the button twice if you have two of the same symbols.

    Defeating Red Guard:
    Use the Bond Moment to shoot the straps of the armor, then finish him off.

    Bonus missions:
    Collect the indicated number of awards to unlock the corresponding bonus mission.

    Tunnel: 10 awards
    Ruins: 25 awards
    Plaza: 40 awards
    Airport: 60 awards

  • Hello Kitty: Roller Rescue Cheats

    Complete the corresponding tasks to unlock the new feature:

    Bonus Sailor Costumes:
    Complete a level with an S Rank.

    Cheerleader A Costume:
    Complete all cheerleader blocks in the Messy Park Area.

    Cheerleader B Costume:
    Unlock Cheerleader A, then re-defeat all the cheerleaders in Messy Park.

    So Long! Round Earth! Cinematic:
    Lose to the final countdown boss.

    The Taste of Victory!:
    Defeat the final countdown boss.

    Play as Badtz-Maru:
    Complete the game with the good ending and unlock Badtz-Maru’s profile. Start a new game.

  • Heatseeker Cheats

    Get SR71 Weapons:
    Pass the Ace bonus objective for the final mission.

  • Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Special Edition Cheats

    Son or daughter:
    At the end of the Chapter 1 you can choose between having a son or daughter.

    Win All Horse Racing Bets:
    Before attending a horse race, save your game ahead of time. After the race ends, remember who won the race, then reset your GameCube and load the file you saved before the race happened. Once the game is loaded, return to the horse race and place your bets on the horse that originally won the race.

    Free Seed Maker:
    Befriend the scientist by giving him gifts, and he will give you the seed maker for free at the beginning of the second year.

    Chase Away Rain and Hurricanes:
    When it’s stormy outside and you want to stop the rain, visit a mine and do some digging. As you emerge from the mine the rain will stop.

  • Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Cheats

    Unlock castle gates:
    To unlock the Castle Gates multiplayer dueling area, go to the rewards

    Hogwarts crest rewards:
    Collect the listed number of Hogwarts Crests to unlock the corresponding bonus.

    3 hogwarts crests – Two Player Dueling Pack 1: Draco and Luna
    8 Hogwarts crests – More health in duels
    14 hogwarts crests – Two Player Dueling Pack 2: Training Ground Dueling Arena
    21 hogwarts crests – Dungbombs in prank boxes around Hogwarts
    29 hogwarts crests – Two Player Dueling Pack 2: Crabbe and Goyle
    38 hogwarts crests – Score boost in flying events
    48 hogwarts crests – Exploding Cauldrons in prank boxes around Hogwarts
    59 hogwarts crests – Two Player Dueling Pack 4: The Transfiguration Dueling Arena
    71 hogwarts crests – Even more health in duels
    84 hogwarts crests – Two Player Dueling Pack 5: Ginny and Hermione
    98 hogwarts crests – Love Potion in Potions Club
    113 hogwarts crests – Two Player Dueling Pack 4: Paved Courtyard Dueling Arena
    129 hogwarts crests – More mini-crests with each cast
    Easy duels:
    Cast Levi Corpus or Petrificus Totalus, then charge your Stupefy
    until it chimes twice and release it. This will results in a one hit
    kill. This does not work for Fenrir Greyback.
    Locked gate shields:

    there is a shield behind a locked gate, use Wingardium Leviosa and hit
    it into a wall to break the shield. Pick up the pieces, then repair
    them and you will have a shield.

  • Gundam: Encounters In Space Cheats

    Gundam Programmer Easter Egg:
    Enter nothing in the ace pilots name box and the name Mark Simmons (creator of the Agile Strike Gundam) will be there instead.

    Hidden name:
    Accept a blank entry as an Ace pilot’s name box and the game will
    automatically enter “Mark Simmons”.

    Play as Char:
    Successfully complete White Base mode

    Play as Black-Tri-Stars:
    Successfully complete Char’s Ace pilot mode.

    Default Character Names in Mission:
    On the title screen select Mission mode. Now, select a character in the Edit Pilot screen. You will then be taken to the name entry screen. Leave it blank and select ok. Your pilot will be named his or hers default name.

    Background music gallery:
    Successfully complete White Base mode with any character and rank to unlock the first set of background music. Successfully complete Thoroughbred mode under the normal Ace Pilot modes to unlock more background music.

    TV mode:
    Get an “A ” rank on all missions in movie mode to unlock TV mode. Alternately, have a fully completed saved game file from Mobile Suit Gundam: Joruney to Jaburo.

    F-2 Type:
    Successfully complete Mission mode as a Zeon pilot.

    Fritz Helm:
    Successfully complete the two-star Escort Transport Fleet mission as a Zeon pilot in mission mode.

    Full Armor Gundam:
    Successfully complete the Federation mission mode Capture Fortress level 4.

    Galbaldy Alpha:
    Complete the five star Pezun Numbers mission in Mission mode as a Zeon pilot.

    Successfully complete the Federation mission mode Escort Transports level 4.

    Gelgoog Gato Custom:
    Complete the second mission with Anaval Gato in Ace Pilot mode with an “S” rank.

    Gelgoog High Mobility Type Ridden Custom:
    Get an “A” or higher rank as Johnny Ridden in mission 4 in Ace Pilot mode.

    Gelgoog Jagr Matsunaga Custom Mobile Suit:
    Successfully complete the last mission in Ace Pilot mode with Shin Matsunaga with an “S” rank.

    Gelgoog Marine Commander Type Cima Garahua Custom:
    Complete the second mission of Cima Garahua in “Ace Pilot” mode with an ” A” rank.

    Gelgoog Marine Commander Type Custom Mobile Suit:
    Unlock Gerbera Tetra and you will also acquire this amazingly agile style of Gelgoog, along with two different beam machine guns.

    Gelgoog Marine Mobile Suit:
    There many ways to unlock this Mobile Suit, but the simplest one is to complete all of the Ace Pilot missions. The Gelgoog Marine has the shoulder armor from a Zaku II on i’s arm, but its strengths and weaknesses barely differ from any other Gelgoog.

    Gerbera Tetra Mobile Suit:
    Successfully complete the last mission in Ace Pilot mode with Cima Garahua with an “S” rank.

    Get an “A” or higher rank in all White Base, Thoroughbred, and Ace Pilot mode missions.

    Successfully complete White Base TV mode.

    GM Cannon Mobile Suit:
    Successfully complete Kou Uraki missions in Ace Pilot mode with a medium or low rank.

    GM Command Mobile Suit:
    Create a Federation pilot.

    GM Command Type:
    Successfully complete all eight missions as a federation pilot in mission mode.

    GM Custom:
    Successfully complete Ace Pilot mode as Kou Uraki with a “B” or higher rank in all missions.

    GM Sniper 2 Mobile Suit:
    Create three Federation pilots.

    GM Sniper II:
    Create three Federation pilots, and complete their mission mode training.

    Gundam Alex:
    Create a level 3 NT Federation pilot.

    Gundam G-3:
    Get an “A” or higher rank on all White Base mode missions.

    Gundam GP04 Mobile Suit:
    Successfully complete Ace Pilot as Kou Uraki with all “A ” ranks.

    Gundam Unit 4:
    Successfully complete the “What If” mission 5 in Thoroughbred mode.

    Gundam Unit 5 Mobile Suit:
    Successfully complete Kou Uraki’s missions in Ace Pilot mode with any “A” rank. Note: This Mobile Suit is equipped with the “Hyper Beam Rifle” which is a very powerful weapon that only a very few Mobile Suits can use.

    Alternately, successfully complete Thoroughbred mode with any grades (preferably low).

    Gundam Unit 5:
    Successfully complete mission 5 in Thoroughbred mode.

    Successfully complete White Base TV mode.

    Gyan Mobile Suit:
    Successfully complete mission 4 in White Base mode with an “S” rank.

    High Mobility Black Trinity Custom:
    Get an “A” or higher rank in mission 3 in Ace Pilot mode as Black Trinity.

    Play as Anaval Gato:
    Successfully complete Ace Pilot mode as Kou Uraki with any rank to unlock Anaval Gato in Ace Pilot mode.

    Play as Black Tri-Stars:
    Successfully complete Ace Pilot mode as Char Aznable with any rank to unlock the Black Tri-Stars in Ace Pilot mode.

    Play as Char Aznable:
    Successfully complete White Base mode with any rank to unlock Char Aznable in Ace Pilot mode.

    Play as Cima:
    Successfully complete Ace Pilot mode as Gato with any rank to unlock Cima in Ace Pilot mode.

    Play as Johnny Ridden:
    Successfully complete Ace Pilot mode as Black Tri-Stars with any rank to unlock Johnny Ridden in Ace Pilot mode.

    Play as Shin Matsunaga:
    Successfully complete Ace Pilot mode as Johnny Ridden with any rank to unlock Shin Matsunaga in Ace Pilot mode.

    Play as Sleggar Law:
    Successfully complete movie mode.

    Play as Yuu Kajima:
    Successfully complete Thoroughbred mode with any rank to unlock Yuu Kajima in Ace Pilot mode.

  • Guitar Hero World Tour (Complete Guitar Game) Cheats

    Get AT

  • Guitar Hero World Tour (Complete Band Game) Cheats

    Get AT

  • Guitar Hero World Tour Cheats

    Get AT

  • Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock Cheats

    Input: Green Red Blue Green Red Green Yellow Blue Green Yellow Red Yellow Orange Red Yellow Green Yellow Yellow Green Yellow Green Red.

    Get Tiki Guitar:
    Finish Career Mode on hard with five stars.

    Get PendulAxe Bass:
    Finish Co-op Mode on expert.

    Get Neversoft Skateboard:
    Finish Co-Op Mode on expert with five stars.

    Get El Jefe Guitar:
    Finish Career Mode on expert with five stars.

    Get Beach Life Bass:
    Finish Co-op Mode on hard.

    Fire and Flames Track:
    Finish the game.

    Get Songs (Normal):
    An Endless Sporadic – “Impulse”
    Backyard Babies – “Minus Celsius”
    Bret Michaels Band – “Go That Far”
    Die Toten Hosen – “Hier Kommit Alex”
    Dragonforce – “Through the Fire and the Flames”
    Fall of Troy – “FCP Remix”
    Gallows – “In the Belly of a Shark”
    The Hellacopters – “I’m in the Band”
    Heroes del Silencio – “Avalancha”
    In Flames – “Take This Life”
    Kaiser Chiefs – “Ruby”
    Killswitch Engage – “My Curse”
    LA Slum Lords – “Down N Dirty”
    Lacuna Coil – “Closer”
    Lions – “Metal Heavy Lady”
    NAAST – “Mauvis Garcon”
    Prototype – “The Way It Ends”
    Revolverhead – “Generation Rock”
    Rise Against – “Prayer of the Refugee”
    Scouts of St. Sebastian – “In Love”
    Senses Fail – “Can’t Be Saved”
    The Sleeping – “Don’t Hold Back”
    The Stone Roses – “She Bangs the Drums”
    Superbus – “Radio Song”

    Get Saint George Guitar:
    Finish Career Mode on Medium.

    Get Rojimbo Guitar:
    Finish Career Mode on Hard difficulty.

    Get Precision Mode:
    Input at Options menu: Green Red x3, Red Yellow x2, Red Blue x2, Yellow Blue, Yellow Orange, Yellow Orange, Green Red x3, Red Yellow x2, Red Blue x2, Yellow Blue, Yellow Orange x2.

    Get Performance Mode:
    Input at Options menu: Red Yellow, Red Blue, Red Orange, Red Blue, Red Yellow, Green Blue, Red Yellow, Red Blue.

    Get Nemesis 13 Guitar:
    Finish Co-Op Career Mode on any difficulty.

    Get Moon Shot Guitar:
    Finish Career Mode on Easy.

    Get Jolly Roger Guitar:
    Acquire five stars on each song during Career Mode on Medium difficulty.

    Get Hyperspeed:
    At the in-game cheat menu input the following cheat on your guitar: Orange Blue Orange Yellow Orange Blue Orange Yellow.

    Get Guitarists:
    Beat the Guitarist of your choice and you’ll be able to buy them for $10,000 or more.

    Get Distant Visitor Guitar:
    Finish Career Mode on Expert difficulty.

    Get Boss Characters:
    Defeat the character of your choice to unlock them.

    Get Bat Guitar:
    Acquire five stars on each song during Career Mode on Easy difficulty.

    Get All Songs (Quick Play Mode):
    Input the following notes in the Options menu: Yellow Orange, Red Blue, Red Orange, Green Blue, Red Yellow, Yellow Orange, Red Yellow, Red Blue, Green Yellow x2, Yellow Blue x2, Yellow Orange x2, Yellow Blue, Yellow, Red, Red Yellow, Red, Yellow, Orange.

    Get Air Guitar:
    Input the following notes in the Options menu: Blue Yellow, Green Yellow x2, Red Blue x2, Red Yellow x2, Blue Yellow, Green Yellow x2, Red Blue x2, Red Yellow x2, Green Yellow x2, Red Yellow x2.

  • Guitar Hero 3 – Legends of Rock Cheats

    Activate Hyperspeed mode:
    Pull up the option menu; next, go to “Cheats” menu then press Orange Blue Orange Yellow Orange Blue Orange Yellow.

  • Guilty Gear XX Slash Cheats

    Mission an character unlockables:
    Mission Artwork – Beat Mission Level 1 with the character.
    EX Characters – Beat Mission Level 2 with the character.
    SP Colors – Beat Mission Level 3 with the character.
    #Reload Characters – Beat Arcade mode with the character.
    Order-Sol Mission Level 3 – Unlock Kliff and Justice.

    Unlock kliff:
    Beat survival mode level 400

    Unlock Justice:
    Beat survival mode level 420

    Unlocking other EX characters:
    Through survival mode,you can unlock EX and SP characters.
    After LV 500 youj will start fighting Gold characters instead of the EX ones in the order they appeared in EX forms. After unlocking the SP forms,Press start at the unlocked character then press right at the Directional stick.

    EX Order Sol – LV460
    EX A.B.A – LV480
    ES Sol – LV500

  • Gretzky NHL 2006 Cheats

    Unlock all bonuses:
    Create a player and enter “Wayne Gretzky” as a case-sensitive name to unlock all bonuses.

  • Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Cheats

    Game Shark Codes:
    Turn on Master Code first: 0E3C7DF2 1853E59E EE8CDC8A BCBBBD9A

    Get Maximum Money – DE428F52 C19E7B82 DE428F5E C19E7B82
    Get All Packages – DE428F5A BCA99BE7
    Unlimited Ammo – DE89766E E0EB9B83 DE8976C6 E0EB9B83 DE897EF2 E0EB9B83 DE897D5E E0EB9B83
    Unlimited Health – DE8FFFFE F8AEDD4B DE8FFFFA 68EE9EEB DE8FFF86 BF899B8B DE8FFF82 02A99BA7 DE91DEA AC8AC9A43
    Unlimited Armor – DE8FFFFE F8AEDD4B DE8FFFFA 68EE9EEF DE8FFF86 BF899B8B DE8FFF82 02A99BA7 DE91DEAA C8AC9A43
    Unlimited Health and Armor – DE8FFFFE F8AEDD4B DE8FFFFA 68EE9EEB DE8FFF86 68EE9EEF DE8FFF82 BF899B8B DE8FFF8E 02A99BA7 DE91DEAA C8AC9A43
    No Clipping Mode – 0E42FCF8 BCA99681 DE8B121A BCA99B83 0E42FCF8 BCA99981 DE8B121A D0E99A67

    Get Baseball Bat:
    Located in the alleyway behind your hideout.

    Get Brass Knuckles:
    Look north from the baseball bat behind your hideout.

    Get Chainsaw:
    Go into the apartment building in Ocean Beach next to the Pay and Spray. Locate the open door to apartment 30. The bathroom with blood all over is the chainsaw.

    Get Cleaver:
    Located behind the Well Stacked Pizza shop in Washington Beach.

    Get Knife:
    Located in the alleyway in the south-east corner of the east island.

    Get Shotgun:
    Go to the top of the Washington Mall by way of the car park (the circle ramp). At the top of the building, go down the left side ramp, and then turn around.

  • God of War Cheats

    Secret Message 2:
    Destroy the Ares and Minotaur statues in the throne room at Olympus (use Lance of the Furies: L1 Circle). The secret message is a scrambled telephone number, just read it from left to right to figure it out… it should be pretty obvious. Call the number to get a pre-recorded message describing how cool you are (or aren’t).
    Submitted by: Peter

    Sex Mini-game:
    In the Beginning of Act 2, there are 2 women in your bed when you are inside your ship. If you jump on the bed, A circle will appear above the bed, indicating a Mini-game. Press Circle, and the game will start. All you see is the vase, but as you get further, the vase will shake more and more, until it falls and breaks. you have to press the buttons as it commands it. closer to the end, you have to rotate the Left Analog Stick. If you win, the first time, you get a large amount of Red orbs. Everytime afterwards, you get 5 more.
    Submitted by: Peter

    How to kill the three hydra boss:
    You have to hit them until they fall over. You have to jump on the boxes on the left and right (depending on which side you start with), and then jump on the platform until it falls and sticks in the head of the little hydras. Then, you have to climb up the cargo net to the big hydra (be patient) and you have to get him to where you can use circle to activate the minigame to knock off the pole. Once you get him down, push [Circle] and pull him on the pole. Then you have to go inside the big hydra and find the guy and watch the cutscene and take the key. Go back to the beginning and thats how you beat the 3 hydra boss.

    Move faster:
    Press (Right Analog-stick Forward) to roll forward, then press [R1] to execute a Hermes Rush shoulder charge before the roll ends. Repeat this to move faster.

    Making of GoW – Unlocked from beginning
    Trailers(Teaser and Magic Teaser) – Unlocked from beginning
    Credits – Beat game once (any difficulty)
    Deleted Levels – Beat game once (any difficulty)
    Heroic Possibilities – Beat game once (any difficulty)
    Visions of Ancient Greece – Beat game once (any difficulty)
    Monsters of Myth – Beat game once (any difficulty)
    Birth of the – Beast Beat game once (any difficulty)
    God Mode – Beat game once (any difficulty)
    Character Graveyard – Beat game once (any difficulty)
    Challenge of the Gods – Beat game once (any difficulty)
    In-Game Movies – Beat game once (any difficulty)
    A Secret Revealed – Beat the game on Spartan Mode
    The Fate Of The Titan – Beat the game on Spartan Mode
    Secret Message 1 – Beat the game on God Mode
    Alteranate costumes for Krotos – Beat the Challenge Of The Gods

    Costume Results:
    The costumes you unlock will have different effects on Kratos.

    Chef Of War
    Damage: 100%
    Defense: 100%
    Magic: 300%
    Health: 150%
    Experience: 100%

    Damage: 50%
    Defense: 100%
    Magic: 150%
    Health: 300%
    Experience: 100%

    Damage: 200%
    Defense: 400%
    Magic: 100%
    Health: 100%
    Experience: 400%

    Dairy Bastard
    Damage: 50%
    Defense: 100%
    Magic: 200%
    Health: 200%
    Experience: 200%
    Unlimited magic

    Ares Armor
    Damage: 200%
    Defense: 25%
    Magic: 100%
    Health: 200%
    Experience: 200%

    Secret 2 EU Version:
    In the European version of God of War you do not receive a telephone number scrambled up like in he American version. Instead you receive a secret cutscene which is ensued after destroying the Ares

  • Godzilla: Unleashed Cheats

    Press X Up to view the cheat screen

    Input 031406 – Get 90000 Store Points.
    Input Enter 0829(XX) – Set the date Note.
    Input 204935 – Get all store items.
    Input 411411 – View Monster Text.
    Input 585858 – Get Hide HUD.
    Input 787321 – On/Off version #.
    Input 858585 – View HUD.

  • Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter Cheats

    Slip and slide:
    When you are running and suddenly get fired upon, quickly tap the Left Analog-stick. You will slide along the ground. If you are running and click and hold the Left Analog-stick, you will do a sort of belly flop and slide on your stomach.

    Sluggish controls:
    If you are carrying a large automatic weapon, the controls will feel sluggish because of the weight of the gun. However, if you switch to a hand held gun, the controls will be more responsive.

    Warfighter difficulty:
    Successfully complete the game to unlock the Warfighter difficulty setting.

    Walls and barriers:
    You cannot hide behind walls or barriers in first person view unless you plan on staying at that location for awhile. Unlike third person view where you can just tap Triangle to automatically hide, you must hold Triangle in first person view to hide. Press Up to look over a barrier or to open fire. Press Left or Right (depending on how you are positioned) to look out.

  • Full Spectrum Warrior: Ten Hammers Cheats

    All co-op multi-player levels:
    Select the “Bonus” option, then choose “Cheats”. Enter fullspectrumpwnage as a code.

  • Freedom Fighters Cheats

    Get 25 allies:
    Input x o x spuare triangle

  • Ford vs. Chevy Cheats

    All cars:
    Beat every challenge in ford challenge to unlock all of the cars

  • Fallout 3 Cheats

    To survey the area around you for foes you missed, hit the VATS button repeatedly as you make your character spin.

    Continuous Hacking:
    You have 4 attempts to hack successfully. Try 3 times, bail out, then try again; repeat this process.

    More Space:
    When running out of inventory space, find a companion character to help you.

    Behemoth Locations:
    Can be located in: Evergreen Mills, Galaxy News Radio, Jury Station, Takoma Industrial, and The Capitol Building.

    Locating Dogmeat:
    Go to the Scrapyard, northeast from Megaton, over the river, where you’ll find the dog.

    Unlimited Good Karma:
    the towns of Rivet City and Megaton, you can locate parched people who
    ask you for filtered water; give them it to increase your karma.

    Avoid Breaking Bobby Pins:
    patient when picking locks; after a 3rd attempt, the pin may break, so
    back out after the 2nd try and go back to reset the pin strength.

  • Evolution Snowboarding Cheats

    Big Core invincibility:
    When you are spinning (rotate the Analog-stick while spinning to spin more), or at least have lightning around the board while you spin, you are invulnerable to the bullets shot by the evil things in Big Core. You are invaluable when spinning and when you are currently knocked down.

  • Dynasty Warriors 5: Empires Cheats

    4th Weapons:
    Now in a battle after that, you need to get 500 kills. You will be awarded the weapon after you beat the level.

    Customizable Options Menu:
    Beat Yellow Turban Campaign in Empire mode.

    Locked Attire Choices in Edit Mode:
    Beat Yellow Turban Campaign in Empire mode.

    Acquiring good tactics cards:
    Juggernaut and Wood Ox can be acquired by coupling Zhuge Liang and Yue Ying together in the same province.

    6 items for officer:
    Beat 1,000 enemies in any stage and difficult setting to acquire the possibility of using six items for that officer. Use 2 Extend Time strategy cards for better results.

    Extra Models:
    Get to the maximum amount of Experience Points (60,000) with any unique character to get all of their models.

    Dong Zhou:
    Finish The Yellow Turban Rebellion scenario.

  • Dynasty Warriors 4: Xtreme Legends Cheats

    Get Fire Arrows:
    Play as Huang Zhong in Legends mode and destroy Guan Ping and Zhou Cang; look to the far western side of the level.

    Master Of Musou:
    Play as Lu Bu in Legends mode and acquire 1,300 KOs before Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei show up. Supply troops will materialize; beat the supply troops.

    Saving Items In Xtreme Mode:
    Quit the game. If your officer is beaten in battle, then it will not save the items that you have acquired.

    Get Storm Harness:
    Play as Dong Zhuo in Legends mode and destroy Yuan Shao as soon as he shows up. The item will appear in the northeastern corner of the map.

    Get In-game Reset:
    While playing, push SELECT START.

  • Dynasty Warriors 4: Empires Cheats


    Get All Weapons:
    R1 R1 L1 L2 triangle triangle.


    Get Alternate Costumes:
    Push L1 ? L1 ? R1 ? R1 ? TRIANGLE ? TRIANGLE ? SQUARE ? SQUARE at the main menu.

    Get All Generals:
    Press R1 ? R2 ? L1 ? L2 ? SQUARE ? SQUARE ? TRIANGLE ? TRIANGLE at the main menu.

    Get All Shu Generals:
    Press R1 ? R1 ? L1 ? L1 ? SQUARE ? TRIANGLE ? SQUARE ? TRIANGLE at the main menu.

    Get All Wei Generals:
    Press R1 ? R1 ? L1 ? L2 ? SQUARE ? SQUARE ? SQUARE ? TRIANGLE at the main menu.

    Get All Wu Generals:
    Press R2 ? R1 ? L2 ? L1 ? TRIANGLE ? TRIANGLE ? TRIANGLE ? SQUARE at the main menu.

  • Dukes of Hazzard: The Return of General Lee Cheats

    Game Modes:
    Finish “Painting it Orange” mission – Get Demolition Derby Mode.
    Finish “Volatile Situation” mission – Get Head to Head Mode.
    Finish “Stock Car Race” mission – Get Hot Pursuit Mode.
    Finish the dirt track race with a time less then 14 seconds to unlock the T.V stars interview.

    Get Interview Movie:
    Finish all the Lightning Time Races.

  • Dynasty Warriors 3 Cheats

    Get Characters:
    Get Da Qiao – Complete Musou Mode with one Wu character.
    Get Diao Chan – Beat Diao Chan on The Battle at Hu Lao Gate.
    Get Dong Zhuo – Beat Diao Chan and Dong Zhuo on The Battle at Hu Lao Gate.
    Get Fu Xi – Complete Musou Mode with Cao Cao, Liu Bei and Sun Jian.
    Get Gan Ning – Beat Gan Ning on The Battle of He Fei.
    Get Huang Zhong – Complete Musou Mode with two Shu characters.
    Get Jiang Wei – Complete Musou Mode with Zhuge Liang.
    Get Lu Meng – Keep Lu Meng alive on The Battle at Fan Castle.
    Get Lu Xun – Complete Musou Mode with one Wu character.
    Get Ma Chao – Complete Musou Mode with one Shu character.
    Get Meng Huo – Beat Meng Huo all 7 times on The Nanman Campaign.
    Get Nu Wa – Complete Musou Mode with all female characters.
    Get Pang Tong – Keep Pang Tong from dying on Assault on Cheng Du.
    Get Sima Yi – Complete Musou Mode with one Wei character.
    Get Sun Ce – Complete Musou Mode with two Wu characters.
    Get Sun Jian – Complete Musou Mode with two Wu characters.
    Get Taishi Ci – On Assault on the Wu Territory, beat Liu Yong before defeating Taishi Ci.
    Get Wei Yan – Complete Musou Mode with one Shu character.
    Get Xiahou Yuan – Beat Xiahou Yuan on The Battle of Mt. Ding Jun.
    Get Xiao Qiao – Complete Musou Mode with Da Qiao or Zhou Yu.
    Get Xu Huang – Complete Musou Mode with two Wei characters.
    Get Xu Zhu – Complete Musou Mode with one Wei character.
    Get Zhang Jiao – Beat Zhang Bao, Zhang Liang and Zhang Jiao on The Yellow Turban Rebellion.
    Get Zhang Liao – Beat Zhang Liao on The Battle of He Fei.
    Get Zhen Ji – Complete Musou Mode with one Wei character.
    Get Zhu Rong – Beat Zhu Rong on The Nanman Campaign.
    Get Zhuge Liang – Complete Musou Mode with one Shu character.

  • Dr. Muto Cheats

    Input BEAMMEUP – All unlocked.
    Input BIGDADDY – A cooler version of Dr. Muto
    Input BLUEPILL – Dr. Muto Matrix.
    Input BUZZOFF – Cool ending.
    Input CHEATERBOY – No damage.
    Input CHOPSUEY – Chinese Dr. Muto.
    Input CYBERDOC – Labcoats.
    Input DISTURBING – Goldilocks.
    Input EUREKA – Morphs unlocked.
    Input GOTHCHICK – Gothick.
    Input GROOVYBABY – Jamaican Dr.
    Input HOLLOWDOC – No Skin Dr.
    Input HOTGREGMA – Beatle.
    Input HOTTICKET – Get all FMVs.
    Input LOGGLOGG – Get Secret morphs.
    Input MINISCOT – Mad Dog shirt.
    Input NECROSCI – Invulnerable.
    Input QUEPASA – Dr. Muto Mariachi.
    Input RELOAD – The Dr.
    Input STIG – Small guy.
    Input SWITCHOFF – Dr. Muto bot
    Input TINKERTOY – Get all gadgets.

  • Drakan: The Ancients’ Gates Cheats

    Up Spell Level:


    Up Player Level:

    Acquire $10,000:

    Regain Health:


  • Dokapon Kingdom Cheats

    Character Classes:
    Get Alchemist – Master Magician and Thief.
    Get Cleric – Any job you start with.
    Get Monk – Master Priest.
    Get Ninja – Master Warrior and Thief.
    Get Spellsword – Master Magician and Warrior.

    Get Secret Classes:
    Get Dark Wizard – Master Alchemist and Spellsword Jobs.
    Get Hero – Master Ninja and Spellsword Jobs.
    Get Night Walker (Night Warrior) – Master Alchemist and Ninja Jobs.
    Get Robot Knight – Master a starter job and kill Robo-Sassin.

  • Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII Cheats

    Get Mission Mode:
    Finish the game.

    Get Event Viewer:
    Complete the game, then load the finished game, and you can view the cut scenes.
    Alternate Ending:
    Acquire three G Reports before you finish.

  • Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy 7 Cheats

    Event Viewer:
    Finish the entire game, then save. If you load the finished game, you can view the cut scenes. You get a cutscene for every Memory Capsule you collect.

    Extra Ending:
    You must get three G Reports before you finish. Do this and you’ll get an extra ending after “The End”.

    Unlockable: Mission Mode
    Beat the game.

    Easter Egg – Cacatuar:
    Before you fight Nero the Sable in the Chapter 10, keep an eye out for some barrels above you as you run on through. There will be four barrels that blow up in a line. One of those barrels contains one of Final Fantasy’s best known hidden character “Cactuar”. As it falls down to the ground it will start running away and as soon as it gets to the corner it hops on up and disappears.

  • Coraline Cheats

    Button Eye Coraline:
    Input this code in the Cheats menu: Cheese

  • College Hoops 2K6 Cheats

    Easy wins:
    Press Start and go to the game sliders. You can raise the percentage of three pointers, dunks, etc. that you make.

    Classic Teams:
    The Classic Teams can be unlocked by getting a certain amount of points. Points are acheived by in-game acheivements, like 3 Threes in a row, first two baskets in the game, beat a rival, etc.

    (Note: All Teams are represented by pennants in the Campus Store)

    1964 UCLA Bruins:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

    1968 Houston Cougars:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

    1969 UCLA Bruins:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

    1972 UCLA Bruins:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

    1974 North Carolina State Wolfpack:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

    1975 UCLA Bruins:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

    1979 Indiana State Sycamores:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

    1979 Michigan State Spartans:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

    1981 Indiana Hoosiers:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

    1982 Houston Cougars:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

    1982 North Carolina Tar Heels:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

    1983 North Carolina State Wolfpack:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

    1984 Georgetown Hoyas:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

    1986 Louisville Cardinals:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

    1987 Syracuse Orangemen:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

    1988 Arizona Wildcats:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

    1988 Kansas Jayhawks:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

    1988 Oklahoma Sooners:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

    1989 Illinois Fighting Illini:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

    1989 Michigan Wolverines:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

    1990 Arkansas Razorbacks:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

    1990 LSU Tigers:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

    1990 UNLV Rebels:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

    1991 Georgetown Hoyas:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

    1992 Duke Blue Devils:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

    1993 Michigan Wolverines:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

    1994 Arkansas Razorbacks:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

    1995 North Carolina Tar Heels:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

    1995 UCLA Bruins:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

    1996 Connecticut Huskies:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

    1996 Georgetown Hoyas:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

    1996 Kentucky Wildcats:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

    1997 Arizona Wildcats:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

    1997 Minnesota Gophers:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

    1997 Wake Forest Deamon Deacons:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

    1998 Kansas Jayhawks:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

    1998 Kentucky Wildcats:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

    1998 North Carolina Tar Heels:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

    1998 Stanford Cardinal:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

    1999 Connecticut Huskies:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

    1999 Duke Blue Devils:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

    2000 Florida Gators:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

    2000 Iowa State Cyclones:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

    2000 Michigan State Spartans:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

    2001 Arizona Wildcats:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

    2001 Duke Blue Devils:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

    2002 Kansas Jayhawks:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

    2002 Maryland Terrapins:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

    2002 Oklahoma Sooners:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

    2003 Syracuse Orangemen:
    Purchase for 45 Points in the Campus Store

  • CMT Presents: Karaoke Revolution Cheats

    Playing in any difficulty and in either quickplay or the party modes. Some Items may be gender specific.

    FlatTop Cowboy Hat:
    Get 1 Platinum Records

    Western Cowgirl Outfit:
    Get 3 Platinum Records

    Western Cowboy Outfit:
    Get 2 Platinum Records

    Turquoise Cuff:
    Get 4 Platinum Records

    Brad Paisley – Celebrity:
    Get 5 Gold Records

    Slick Shades and Boots w/Spurs:
    Get 5 Platinum Records

    Garth Brooks – Friends in Low Places:
    Get 6 Platinum Records

    Retro Cowgirl Outfit:
    Get 250,000 Total Points

    Open Shirt:
    Get 7 Platinum Records

    Devil Girl Outfit:
    Get 8 Platinum Records

    Glam Tower Hair, Glam Tux

  • Chicken Little: Ace in Action Cheats

    Choose a level but don?t not the Start Mission. Press 2 on the Wii Remote and input the following codes on the Nunchuk:

    Get All Levels – Right Up Left Right Up
    Get Infinite Shield – Right Down Right Down Right
    Get 50 000 Arconium – Right Left Left Down Up
    Get All Movies – Left Up Left Right Down

  • Cabela’s Dangerous Hunts 2 Cheats

    Player regenerates quickly:
    Enter [Skull], [Eye], [Boot], [Lighting Bolt], [Hand] as a code.

    Unlimited ammunition:
    Enter [Lighting Bolt], [Hand], [Eye], [Boot], [Skull] as a code.

    Double damage inflicted by player:
    Enter [Hand], [Boot], [Skull], [Eye], [Lighting Bolt] as a code.

    Double health:
    Enter [Eye], [Lighting Bolt], [Skull], [Hand], [Boot] as a code.

  • Bleach: Blade Battlers Cheats

    Get Characters:
    Get Abarai Renji – Earn 3 Points
    Get Aizen Sousuke – Earn 70 Points
    Get Hinamori Momo – Earn 9 Points
    Get Hitsugaya Toushiro – Earn 15 Points
    Get Ichimaru Gin – Earn 45 Points
    Get Kaname Tousen – Earn 40 Points
    Get Kon – Earn 65 Points
    Get Kuchiki Byakuya – Earn 50 Points
    Get Kurosaki Ichigo – Earn 60 Points
    Get Kurotsuchi Mayuri – Earn 35 Points
    Get Madarame Ikkaku – Earn 6 Points
    Get Matsumoto Rangiku – Earn 12 Points
    Get Sajin Komamura – Earn 18 Points
    Get Shinhouin Yoruichi – Earn 27 Points
    Get Soifon – Earn 30 Points
    Get Tsumugiya Ururu – Earn 55 Points
    Get Urahara Kisuke – Earn 24 Points
    Get Zaraki Kenpachi – Earn 21 Points

  • Ben 10: Alien Force Cheats

    Get All Combos – Input Swampfire / Gwen / Kevin / Ben
    Get Unlimited Aliens – Input Ben / Swampfire / Gwen / Big Chill
    Get Invincibility – Input Kevin / Big Chill / Swampfire / Kevin
    Get Level Lord – Input Gwen / Kevin / Big Chill / Gwen

  • Atari Anthology Cheats

    Unlockable Game Challenges:
    Score the required amount of points for each ARCADE Games Challenge to Unlock the Games Challenges

    3D Tic Tac Toe challenges:
    Pong – Trippy (exceed oppenent by 6 points)

    Adventure challenges:
    Asteroids Deluxe – Double Speed (15,000 points)

    Air-Sea Battle challenges:
    Major Havoc – Hot Seat (60,000 points)

    Asteroids challenges:
    Asteroids – Trippy (10,000 points)

    Atari Video Cube challenges:
    Liberator – Trippy (8,000 points)

    Backgammon challenges:
    Centipede – Time Warp (17,000 points)

    Battlezone challenges:
    Battlezone – Time Warp (5,000 points)

    Black Jack challenges:
    Red Baron – Double Speed (2,500 points)

    Bowling challenges:
    Major Havoc – Time Challenge (24,000 points)

    Breakout challenges:
    Gravitar – Time Challenge (6,000 points)

    Canyon Bomber challenges:
    Major Havoc – Double Speed (35,000 points)

    Casino challenges:
    Space Duel – Time Warp (10,000 points)

    Centipede challenges:
    Centipede – Hot Seat (30,000 points)

    Circus Atari challenges:
    Pong – Time Warp (exceed oppenent by 1 point)

    Combats challenges:
    Red Baron – Time Challenge (1,400 points)

    Crystal Castles challenges:
    Crystal Castles – Trippy (10,000 points)

    Desert Falcons challenges:
    Asteroids – Hot Seat (20,000 points)

    Dodge challenge:
    Asteroids Deluxe – Trippy (15,000 points)

    Double Dunk challenges:
    Millipede – Hot Seat (35,000 points)

    Flag Capture challenges:
    Battlezone – Double Speed (5,000 points)

    Warlords challenges:
    Warlords – Time Warp (700 points)

    Video Pinball challenges:
    Liberator – Hot Seat (8,000 points)

    Video Olympics challenges:
    Black Widow – Double Speed (25,000 points)

    Football challenges:
    Missile Command – Trippy (10,000 points)

    Fun with Numbers challenges:
    Lunar Lander – Double Speed (400 points)

    Golf challenges:
    Pong – Double Speed (exceed oppenent by 3 points)

    Gravitar challenges:
    Gravitar – Double Speed (10,000 points)

    Hangman challenges:
    Gravitar – Hot Seat (10,000 points)

    Haunted House challenges:
    Lunar Lander – Time Challenge (100 points)

    Home Runs challenges:
    Red Baron – Time Warp (2,000 points)

    Human Cannonballs:
    Black Widow – Time Warp (20,000 points)

    Math Gran Prixs challenges:
    Major Havoc – Time Warp (30,000 points)

    Maze Craze challenges:
    Millipede – Time Challenge (15,000 points)

    Millipede challenges:
    Millipede – Trippy (30,000 points)

    Miniature Golf challenges:
    Space Duel – Time Challenge (6,000 points)

    Missile Command challenges:
    Missile Command – Double Speed (7,500 points)

    Night Driver challenges:
    Missile Command – Time Challenge (2,500 points)

    Off the Wall challenges:
    Centipede – Time Challenge (18,000 points)

    Outlaw challenges:
    Crystal Castles – Hot Seat (15,000 points)

    Quadrun challenges:
    Tempest – Hot Seat (10,000 points)

    Radar Lock challenges:
    Gravitar – Trippy (15,000 points)

    RealSports Baseball challenges:
    Warlords – Double Speed (800 points)

    RealSports Football challenges:
    Tempest – Trippy (7,500 points)

    RealSports Tennis challenges:
    Battlezone – Trippy (10,000 points)

    Yars Revenge challenges:
    Tempest – Double Speed (6,000 points)

    Surround challenges:
    Missile Command – Hot Seat (15,000 points)

    Super Football challenges:
    Asteroids Deluxe – Hot Seat (35,000 points)

    Super Breakout challenges:
    Super Breakout – Trippy (60 points)

    Super Baseball challenges:
    Asteroids – Time Challenge (8,000 points)

    Submarine Commander challenges:
    Lunar Lander – Time Warp (200 points)

    Street Racer challenges:
    Battlezone – Hot Seat (50,000 points)

    Stellar Trek challenges:
    Crystal Castles – Time Warp (15,000 points)

    Steeplechase challenges:
    Asteroids Deluxe – Time Challenge (11,000 points)

    Star Ship challenges:
    Centipede – Double Speed (20,000 points)

    Star Raiders challenges:
    Black Widow – Trippy (30,000 points)

    Sprintmaster challenges:
    Asteroids – Time Warp (10,000 points)

    Space War challenges:
    Pong – Hot Seat (50 points)

    Slot Racers challenges:
    Warlords – Trippy (1,000 points)

    Slot Machine challenges:
    Super Breakout – Time Challenge (45 points)

    Skydiver challenges:
    Liberator – Double Speed (7,000 points)

    RealSports Volleyball challenges:
    Super Breakout – Hot Seat (70 points)

    Swordquest EarthWorld challenges:
    Black Widow – Time Challenge (10,000 points)

    Swordquest FireWorld challenges:
    Liberator – Time Warp (5,000 points)

    Swordquest WaterWorld challenges:
    Lunar Lander – Trippy (300 points)

    Video Checkers challenges:
    Millipede – Time Warp (40,000 points)

    Video Chess challenges:
    Crystal Castles – Time Challenge (13,000 points)

  • Beatmania Cheats

    Another mode:
    Play every song in Beatmania IIDX and Beatmania mode to unlock the Another difficulty setting.

    Bonus Internet ranking courses:
    Play every single song in Beatmania IIDX and Beatmania mode to unlock the following bonus Internet ranking courses and corresponding songs.
    aettea th, iw naflcwg iayvtp, .

    06 Internet ranking course:
    Digital Mind
    Mr. T
    Outer Limits
    Moba Moga
    in my eyes

    07 Internet ranking course:
    jelly kiss
    The Cube
    Love is Dreaminess
    fly through the night

    08 Internet ranking course:
    Genom Screams
    Bad Boy Bass
    The Shining Polaris

    09 Internet ranking course:
    Spin the Disc
    Music to your head

    10 Internet ranking course:
    Summer Vacation

  • Arena Football Cheats

    Classic Teams:
    Complete the challenge mode in order to unlock new teams.

    New Orleans Night:
    To unlock the New Orleans Night do not throw an interception the entire game.

    New Orleans Voodoo:
    To Unlock the New Orleans Voodoo, You must make a 30 yard field goal.

    Charlotte Rage:
    Complete The “Wall Hit” Challenge

    Buffalo Destroyers:
    Complete The “Jack Linebacker” Challenge

    Anaheim Pirates:
    Complete The “Kicking” Challenge

    Albany Firebirds:
    Complete The “Be The Reciever” Challenge

    St. Louis Stampede:
    Complete The “Mac Linebacker” Challenge

    Texas Terror:
    Complete The “Telemetry” Challenge

    Washington Commandos:
    Complete The “Coverage Maneuver” Challenge

    All attributes for all players are maxed out. Only works in play now. Load a profile called “IronMen”

    Giant Ball/ Tiny Ball:
    Double the size of the ball / half the size of the ball:

    Big ball:
    At the line of scrimage press L1 Triangle, up, up

    Small ball:
    At the line of scrimage press L1 Triangle, down, down

    Reset ball:
    At the line of scrimage press L1 Triangle, up, down

    Maximum attributes for all players:
    Enter “IronMen” as a profile name, then start “Play Now” mode.

    Tackle after play:
    After each play you can tackle someone. If you tackle the opposing team’s players or coach you might get a penalty. You can also tackle the boards, and if you do you will be launched over.

    Helmet to helmet:
    Before each game two of the home team’s players will do helmet to helmet.

    Get to line of scrimmage faster:
    After selecting your play, hold A to get to the line of scrimmage faster. This is useful if you use a hurry-up offense at the end of the game.

    Recommended offense:
    In order to create more open passes you should try and set “picks” for your other receivers in order to get them wide open. You can do this by controlling a wide receiver yourself and putting a pick on a defender; or you can set a crosses, posts, curls, or flys by hot-routing other receivers near by. This usually works, and often has good results if you set the picks correctly. This is especially helpful when in need of a first down, near the endzone, or for a conversion.

    Recommended defense:
    If you control one of your linemen and hold [Left Analog-stick Down] before the snap, you will get a better jump on trying to get to the quarterback or fullback.

  • Arc the Lad: Generation Cheats

    Unlock Lillia Card:
    When The game starts you can upload Arc The Lad Twighlight of spirits clear data, when you do this it gives you the Lillia card which can later be processed into the character Lillia.

    Get Each Character Card:
    Note that these characters must be materialized and can only be used in counter guild missions and online.? Also note that any character card missed in a notice board mission can be found in the lottery shop after all the other cards have been won from the lottery. You win each card in order.

    Unlock Alec:
    Win his card in the Dilzweld lottery. (7th)

    Unlock Arc:
    Obtain the Arc hunter rank after completing the game.

    Unlock Bebedora:
    Veteran Notice Board task “Wanted: Exorcist!” Found in a room with a ton of Ghouls and a malademon Reecher. Defeat the Reecher to get the card.

    Unlock Camellia:
    Win her card in the Dilzweld lottery. (1st)

    Unlock Cheryl:
    Master Notice Board task “Wanted: Master Hunter!” Located in the Ice Gallery within an ice stalagmite surrounded by Poison Slimes. Hard to miss.

    Unlock Choco:
    Complete the Monster Book by defeating at least one of every single monster in the game. The Monster Book is with the Mofly in Rueloon.

    Unlock Darc:
    Expert Notice Board task “Urgent Manhunt!” Found in the Dragon’s Lair. Defeat three Green Dragons that are found near the boss room. Hard to miss.

    Unlock Delma:
    Win her card in the Dilzweld lottery. (2nd)

    Unlock Diekbeck:
    Win his card in the Dilzweld lottery. (8th)

    Unlock Elc:
    Received from the Mofly in Milmarna. You can’t miss it.

    Unlock Ganz:
    Veteran Notice Board task “A Favor to Ask.” Inside the terrorist base, you will find a group of exploding barrels. The card is in the middle barrel.

    Unlock Iga:
    Win his card in the Dilzweld lottery. (4th)

    Unlock Kharg:
    Found in the final dungeon of the story missions, Cathena Lab. Near the end of the dungeon, the card is within a Tin Golem. Hard to miss.

    Unlock Kukuru:
    Rookie Notice Board task “Find the Missing Person.” Found in a crate 3 screens down from the summit. (Appears on your way down)

    Unlock Leeza:
    Expert Notice Board task “Help my Father!” In a crate in the basement of the castle.

    Unlock Lillia:
    Load a cleared Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirts save or win her card in the Dilzweld lottery. (9th)

    Unlock Lutz:
    Win his card in the Dilzweld lottery. (3rd)

    Unlock Maru:
    Rookie Notice Board task “Find my Husband Demill.” Found in a crate in the center of a plus shaped room. Hard to miss. (Appears on the way out)

    Unlock Paulette:
    Master Notice Board task “To Anyone Who’ll Believe Me…” Located in an iron box inside the Romarian Tunnel. The box is surrounded by Dark Dwellers.

    Unlock Shu:
    Win his card in the Dilzweld lottery. (5th)

    Unlock Tatjana:
    Received after the Apprentice Notice Board task “Find Our Teacher!” You get this automatically.

    Unlock Theo:
    Apprentice Notice Board task “Find Our Teacher!” In room with boxes floating in midair. Use them to make your way across an invisible bridge.

    Unlock Tosh:
    Win his card in the Dilzweld lottery. (6th)

    Unlock Volk:
    After completing the game go to Orcoth and fight him in the arena. After winning you get his card.

  • American Chopper Full Throttle Cheats

    Free Ride Mode:
    Complete all the Challenges

  • Airborne Troops: Countdown to D-Day Cheats

    Cheat mode:
    Select “Options” at the main menu, then select “Game”. Press Right(2), Left, Right, Left(2), Right at the Game Options menu. The screen will return to the main menu to confirm correct code entry. You now have access to the Debug Game mode, where you can pick any level/mission and select any scene after the major loading scene of the mission. As well as Debug Game mode, if you go back to the options menu after the code enabled, and before you start a game, a new “Cheats” option is now available. The “Cheats” menu has options for “Unlimited Ammo” and “God Mode”. After activating either or both options, you can start a new game, continue a game, or play Debug mode.

    Debug mode:
    In Debug mode, once you complete a mission, you go back to the mission selection screen. The mission you completed is now checked. If desired, you can start from where you originally left off or you can go back and enable the cheat again to unlock Debug mode once more and continue where you left off. Note: Once a debug mode mission is complete, you will start back where you originally were at, before the game save. For example, if you only completed mission 1 but you used debug mode to complete mission 7, then mission 7 is complete, but you will start at mission 2. You cannot go past mission 2 without completing it or redoing the code for debug mode.

  • America’s Army: Rise of a Soldier Cheats

    Easier M16 hint:
    Instead of jumping into the foxhole, lie down next to it as close as possible on its left side. The game will allow you to qualify in the prone rather then the standing position.

    Ammo Hint:
    Shoot your currently selected weapon. The bottom left of the HUD shows you how many bullets are in your current magazine and how many reserve magazines you carry. Fire the weapon until just one bullet remains in the magazine. Glance at how many magazines are left. After doing that, reload and your magazine count will not change, but your bullets will be refilled.

    Use M203 with scope:
    When you are able to modify your M4, go to your Personnel Jacket. Select the scope you want to use. Then, select the M203. When it tells you that you cannot use the M203 with the scope, turn off the Xbox. When you turn it back on and go to your Personnel Jacket, you will have your M4 equipped with a scope and a M203. Note: When this glitch is activated, you will not be able to use the iron sights correctly. You can only use the 4x zoom.

  • Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War Cheats

    Unlock Plane ADFX-01:
    Beat campaign mode on any difficulty with all three different ace styles.

    Unlockable Planes:
    Complete the game once with any difficulty to unlock the F-22A. Complete the game twice with any difficulty but with a different ace style to unlock the X-02.

    Obtain all supreme ace medals to unlock the ADF-01:
    You will still need to buy those planes after being unlocked.

    Obtain all supreme ace medals.

    Beat the game twice in any difficulty but with a different ace style from your first game play.

    Beat the game once in any difficulty.

    Unlock Music Player:
    Clear Campaign once, any difficulty

    Unlock Scene Viewer:
    Clear Campaign once, any difficulty

    Restore health:
    Pause game play, then hold L R and press Y, Down, A, Up. the sound of a sword will confirm correct code entry.

    Unlockable: Music Player
    Finish the Campaign once on any difficulty.

    Unlockable: Typhoon and SP colour scheme
    You must shoot down the Rot Squadron in Mission 3, in the Mercenary Ace style.

    Unlockable: Expert Difficulty
    You must complete Hard Difficulty.

    Acquire Mission Mode:
    Complete Campaign Mode once.

  • 50 Cent: Bulletproof Cheats

    Type in ny’sfinestyo at the in-game cheats menu.

    Flawless Shots:
    Pause the game, navigate to the cheats sections in the menu, and input “#1stunna”.

    Clips Counter Kill:
    Pause the game, navigate to the cheats sections in the menu, and input “workout”.

    So Seductive Video:
    Pause the game, navigate to the cheats sections in the menu, and input “yayoshome”.

    So Seductive song:
    Pause the game, navigate to the cheats sections in the menu, and input “killa1”.

    My Buddy video:
    Pause the game, navigate to the cheats sections in the menu, and input “sayhellotomylittlefriend”.

    Cool Guns:
    Pause the game, navigate to the cheats sections in the menu, and input “the hub is broken”.

    Input 50bpexclusives – Get some tracks (songs).
    Input aintgotnothin – Get Wanksta counter-kill.
    Input gettingdropped – Get Guillotine counter-kill.
    Input gooddieyoung – Get G?d Up counter-kill.
    Input gotthemrachets – Get all in-game weapons.
    Input graballthat50 – Get all tracks (songs).
    Input grizzspecial – Get infinite ammo for all weapons.
    Input gunrunner – Get Bloodhound counter-kill.
    Input hardcoreg$hit – Get Southside counter-kill.
    Input hookmeup50 – Get all music videos.
    Input orangejuice – Get Action 26 counter-kill.
    Input timetosmokeem – Get the ability to do 2x damage.
    Input timetothrowdown – Get Mountain Climber counter-kill.

  • Zumba Fitness: Join The Party Cheats

    Category – PS3 Cheats

    PS3 Cheats Title – Zumba Fitness: Join The Party


    Bronze trophies
    Salsa Sizzle – Complete all Salsa Tutorials.
    Merengue Master – Complete all Merengue Tutorials.
    Reggaeton Rouser – Complete all Reggaeton Tutorials.
    Calypso Cruisin’ – Complete all Calypso Tutorials.
    Cumbia Crackin’ – Complete all Cumbia Tutorials.
    Zumba Starter – Complete ‘Learn the Moves’ mode.
    Are you Ready? – Complete all Beginner Classes on the Punchcard (2 Total).
    Zumbalicious – Complete all Intermediate Classes on the Punchcard (4 Total).
    Feel the Heat! – Complete all Expert Classes on the Punchcard (4 Total).
    Steel Time – Unlock the Factory Venue.
    Sky Dancer – Unlock the Rooftop Venue.
    Super Stardom – Unlock the Stadium Venue.
    Master Jammer – Unlock Zumbathon Class.
    Master Jammer Extreme – Complete Zumbathon Class on Easy Difficulty.
    Beto Shuffler – Complete Zumbathon Class on Medium Difficulty.
    Warmup Session – Complete all 20 Minute Classes (8 Total: 2 Beg, 3 Int, 3 Exp).
    Zumba Hero – Complete all 45 Minute Intermediate Class (6 Total).
    Alpha Beto Capper – Complete all 45 Minute Classes (5 Total).
    Mind-blowing Moves – Complete all Single Routines (30 Total).
    Join the Party! – Achieve 10 Consecutive ‘Hearing the Music’ Moves.
    Drastic Dancer – Achieve 20 Consecutiv e ‘Feeling the Music’ Moves.
    Club Hopper – Achieve Full Stage Progression in Nightclub.
    You’re a Machine – Achieve Full Stage Progression in Factory.
    Skyscraper – Achieve Full Stage Progression in Rooftop.
    Headliner – Achieve Full Stage Progression in Stadium.
    Challenge Champ – Win a Zumba Attack.
    Party Pro – Win a 2P vs 2P Workout.
    Goals Tender – Customize a Calender Day.
    Personal Time – Save a Customzed Recurring Week.
    Zumbafied! – Dance Online with 50 Different People.
    Great Start! – Complete 5 Workouts.
    Exhilarating! – Complete 10 Workouts.
    Energizing! – Complete 25 Workouts.
    Zumba Enthusiast – Complete Workouts 5 Days in a Row.
    Zumba Fanatic – Complete Workouts 10 Days in a Row.
    Instructor in Training – Host an Online Session and Complete the Workout.
    Zumba Maniac – Join an Online Session and Complete the Workout.
    Everbody Dance Now – Host 10 Online Single Routines and Complete the Routines.
    Getting Hooked Up – Join 10 Online Single Routines and Complete the Routines.
    Cardio Companions – Host 10 Online Sessions and Complete the Workouts.
    Dance Dance Dance – Join 10 Online Sessions and Complete the Workouts.
    Net Workout – Dance Online with 20 Different People.

    Silver trophies
    Zumbathon Hero – Complete Zumbathon Class on Hard Difficulty.
    Zumba Master – Complete all Zumba Classes (19 Classes Total).
    Awe-Inspiring! – Complete 50 Workouts.

    Gold trophies
    You’re Hooked! – Complete 100 Workouts.
    Zumbatomic – Complete Workouts 30 Days in a Row.
    Addicted to Zumba! – Dance Online with 100 Different People.

    Platinum trophy
    Platinum Trophy – Earn all Bronze, Silver, and Gold trophies.

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