PS2 Games

Run Like Hell

TITLE Run Like Hell
GENRE Action/Adventure
DEVELOPER Digital Mayhem
UK PUBLISHER Avalon Interactive
NORDIC PUBLISHER Avalon Interactive

Media Screenshots:

SCREENS ADDED: 02 Sep-2005

Official Fact Sheet:

The player in RLH is exiled military hero Nick Conner who is living out the rest of his military career on a mining space station called the Forsetti. He has a few friends on the space station but it’s made bearable due to the fact that his fianc? is on board. He comes back from an ordinary science trip to find the station has been overrun with an alien species. So his goals are to find and rescue as many friendlies as possible (including his love) and get the hell off the station. It’s not going to be easy though because the aliens are bio-organic masters. They are not only taking over the ship, but are slowly turning it into a living organism. RLH is an action adventure game in a true 3D environment. Players will have to construct new weapons, set traps and sometimes even use themselves as bait to survive.

  • 3rd person perspective.
  • Immersive and intense storyline that drives the gameplay.
  • Intelligent aliens that change their behavior based on player actions.
  • Seven chapters, each spanning one day on the station (30 Hours of Gameplay).
  • Powerful 3D game engine. All environments, objects and characters are fully 3D, no pre-rendered art.
  • Dynamic camera placement and angles lend a movie-like feel to the game.
  • Voice acting from top-quality Hollywood talent, including Lance Henriksen (“Aliens”, “Millennium”) and Clancy Brown (“Starship Troopers”)

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