PS2 Articles

The History of Playstation (so far)

The Playstation Empire has more or less engulfed the entire world at this point.  You can pretty much go anywhere in the world and find Sony fans that have at least one of their fabulous consoles (often several).  So, how did it all start, you might be wondering?  That’s what we’re about to delve into…the history of the Playstation (well, at least up to this point, anyway).

Everything started with the release of the original Playstation in 1994, which was going to be one of the first consoles to use CD’s in lieu of cartridges.  For all intents and purposes it was a roaring success.  By virtue of the fact that its designers had turned their focus toward the expanded capabilities of disc-based games, developers were able to deliver a slew of awesome titles to support the new console.

This of course led to the need for a strong follow-up release (in 2000), which of course was deemed the Playstation 2.  Simply put, the PS2 was one of the greatest success stories from the point of view of console development.  Not only did the PS2 introduce even more stunning graphics to the world of video games (including some of the most-loved games and franchises ever) it also incorporated the DVD format, which meant that for many people it doubled as a video player.  The Playstation 2 was a significant step forward in terms of ushering in the idea that a video game console could function as an all-in-one home entertainment device.  Eventually the addition of online capabilities were added which certainly seemed to blow gamers minds at the time and helped to usher in the new era of so-called “online gaming for consoles”. If you like the PlayStation then you might also like casino online play, which also offers excitement for those 18+.

Fast-forward to 2006 and we see gaming taken to a whole new level with the release of the Playstation 3.  Aside from the fact that this would be the first Playstation console to take advantage of online connectivity and the emerging PSN, the PS3 boasted hardware capabilities far in excess of its immediate predecessor.  In fact, it’s widely known that among the 7th generation consoles (Wii, Xbox 360 and the PS3), the PS3 is the unit packing the best graphical capabilities.  This release also saw the Blu-Ray drive being added to the mix along with later devices such as the Playstation Move (motion control system) as well as connectivity / interactivity for mobile consoles such as the Playstation Vita.

Finally we arrive in the present where we await the release of the Playstation 4 in the 4th quarter of 2013 (just in time for the holidays).  Many feel that (from what we now know) the PS4 is more like a refinement or amalgamation of available video gaming technologies and resources rather than an outright leap forward.  In any event, the PS4 seems to be a console that will be able to deliver some truly amazing moments in gaming (if only from a purely hardware-based perspective).

At any rate, the last couple of decades have been pretty awesome for Sony and the Playstation franchise, here’s to hoping the next 20 or so years are as exciting and fruitful as the last!

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